Please open/extract the downloaded "" file on your computer to get the update file named "V-800HD2.PRG" in the "v800hdmk2_sys_v151" folder. CAUTION WHEN PERFORMING THE UPDATE Never apply this update data to any product other than the V-800HD MK II. This upd...
no one here has mentioned that Black Lion Audio will replace the entire analog section of the 896HD and 828MK2 for around 300 bucks. I'm thinking about selling my 828mk3, and buying an old mk2 and having it modded. Why anyone would throw away money to make a piss poor product sound...
这些飞机在叙利亚部署了2天,执行了大约10次作战任务,其中包括发射Kh-59MK2隐身巡航导弹攻击地面目标,俄方还放出视频,回应了外界关于... 搜狐网 苏57产量翻倍,已量产四年,俄军现在一共有多少架? 2023年12月29日 今年生产厂家总共交付了两批苏57战机,按照联合飞机制造公司总裁的说法,...