PURPOSE:To fix a maximum peak level of the reproduced output of each CD by setting the reference level of a certain level in accordance with peak serach results of respective CDs and attenuating the reproduced output of each CD or increasing the gain of it based on this reference value at ...
摘要: 从设计角度来看,转轮藏的形制设计必须考虑如何藏经,如何转动,如何安装固定三个问题.随着时间推移,转轮藏安装固定的方式,经书装帧形式与尺度以及转轮藏使用方式不断发生变化,转轮藏之形式设计亦随之发生改变.本文试图根据中日现存转轮藏的年代及形制特征,从功能角度对转轮藏的宏观发展及动因进行考察.关键词:...