Using waygates to teleport around the map in V Rising has its limitations, the biggest being that you can’t teleport while carrying resources. If you seem to be unable to teleport, this could be the reason why. To teleport, you first need to clear your inventory. Remember that this rest...
幽腐之地发布后,关于《夜族崛起》开发方向的近况 本贴内容转自STEAM VRising官方游戏活动通告。 发布于2023年6月20日周二 @20:21 CST 阿水🥶🥵 11-16 29 关于夜族崛起你不知道的内容 白翊喝白水 此贴用于汇总关于夜族崛起的冷知识和彩蛋内容。本人有效时长600+,但还是有些内容可不知道,欢迎补充。
Launch a projectile that deals 90% magic damage and inflicts Static. You and the other target swap locations on impact. If the target is immune to the effect you instead teleport to the location of the target. Lightning Curtain Summon a curtain of lightning that blocks projectiles for up to...
Previously, it only worked on abilities that operated as charges, but now works on charges, leaps, teleports, and pulls. This set will continue to not work with blinks, such as streak. Vampire Lord: This set now increases the bonuses and penalties of your Vampire Stages by the following...