One of the most recent in this evolution of gritty tooth and nail racers is Infogrames' V-Rally 2. The game has already found a home on the PlayStation, and soon will be coming to the Dreamcast. While Infogrames is making claims about plenty of new goodies for the Dreamcast version, ...
极品飞车:V拉力赛车2 Need for Speed: V-Rally 2 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/竞速 平台: PC/PS/DC/Dreamcast 别名: 极品飞车 V越野拉力2 / Need for Speed: V-Rally 2 / Test Drive V-Rally / V-Rally Championship Edition 2 发行日期: 1999-10-31 豆瓣评分 想玩在玩玩过...
It's never enough to truly detract from the game, and certainly no worse than Sega Rally 2. 9.0 I really liked this on the PlayStation, and I really, really like it on the Dreamcast. As I soaked in the speed, handling and the inspired gameplay, I all but forgot about Sega Rally ...
最终,作为世嘉最后的家用游戏机,“Dreamcast”累计销售量超过1,000万台。 “Dreamcast”留下了什么 世嘉退出了家用游戏机业务。“Dreamcast”也成了世嘉最后的主机。 但“Dreamcast”所采用的硬件,在街机方面发展出了“NAOMI”的后继机型“NAOMI2”,搭载了GD Drive的NAOMI2一直到2009年左右都在推出新作品,是一款...
Dreamcast Action £44.99 Giant Gram All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 Dreamcast Sports £14.99 Giant Gram All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 (Case Damage) Dreamcast Sports £11.99 Sega Rally 2 Dreamcast Sports £14.99 £7.99 Get Bass Fishing Controller Set ...
《VR战士3 组队战》是《VR战士3》街机版的增强版,发售于1998年11月27日,是Dreamcast的首发游戏之一,也是日本销量最高的Dreamcast游戏之一。 ▲世嘉大楼里员工们打《VR战士3 组队战》。 《世嘉拉力2》(Sega Rally 2) 《世嘉拉力2》也是从街机移植到Dreamcast的游戏之一,发售于1999年1月28日,相比于1代增加了...
“莎木 I & II”最初在2000年和2001年在Dreamcast上问世,是一款集成了柔术格斗、侦探调查、角色扮演以及怀旧小游戏等元素的开放世界动作冒险游戏。它在许多方面引领了现代游戏的潮流,包括开放世界探索和快速反应事件(QTE)的首次出现。它也是首个拥有完全开放世界的游戏之一,包含了昼夜交替、天气变化、商店的开门和...
CheatCC: Sega Rally 2 Cheats, Codes, Guides, Walkthroughs, and Cheat Codes – Dreamcast Published: November 17, 1999 by Cheat Code Central Staff Sega Rally 2 Bonus cars Enter “10 Year Championship” mode and finish first in every year. A new […] Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Cheats...
Dreamcast M3u multi disc. Rename each disc file to .chd and edit m3u example: mygame.m3u mygamedisc1.chd mygamedisc2.chd mygamedisc3.chd Dolphin (Wii) Great video from Moskeeto:
Dreamcast Express Vol. 6 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 7 (Jpn), Dreamcast Middleware Conference Demo Disc Part 2 (World), Dreamcast System-Disc 2 (World), Dreamcast Visual Memory Data Issue (Jpn), DreamFlyer (Jpn), DreamKey 3.0 (Euro), DreamKey (Euro), ...