《V字仇杀队》(V for Vendetta),是美国DC漫画公司创作的漫画作品。这是未来的伦敦,这是一个普通的夜晚:游荡街头的艾薇·哈蒙德撞上心怀不轨的秘密警察。这是颠覆的遭遇,这是一个奇怪的男子:披着斗篷、头顶高帽,戴着伪善笑容的面具。这是黑暗的未来,这是一个集权的社会:大领袖亚当·苏萨牢牢紧攒国之...
V for Vendetta 故事設定在未來英國90年代, 世界核戰過後, 英國被一群法西斯主義份子操控,所有人皆成為政府的傀儡, 毫無自由可言,Vendetta 代表的是復仇,V要個向這個背叛了他的社會展開復仇。 主角V沒有名字只有一個代號V,原是政府生化實驗所第5號房的實驗品,後來逃了出來,他的代號V便是源自他的房門上羅馬數字...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) v字仇杀队介绍.pptx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 V for Vendetta;V for Vendetta tells the story of a free, democratic, on peoples brainwashing transformation, the authoritarian government story.;The story on the assumption of...
他为DC旗下Veritgo作画《战争故事》(WarStory);为Wildstorm绘制过由沃伦·埃利斯担纲的《全球频率》(GlobalFrequency)等。1999年,大卫·劳埃德自编自画创作出了黑色犯罪漫画小说《回扣》(Kickback),2003年首先在法国出版。 精彩书评 “黑暗,扣人心弦的叙事。”...
V for vendetta: the thinker who is not afraid of bullet This story starts in the future of British society in a totalitarian rule under high pressure, can not allow the existence of homosexuals, pagans,and other social roles, the people linger in the dark regime. Our protagonist, V, is ...
V for Vendetta: Directed by James McTeigue. With Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry. In a future British dystopian society, a shadowy freedom fighter, known only by the alias of "V", plots to overthrow the tyrannical government - wit
The main idea ofV for Vendettais the fight between order and chaos. V is fighting a fascist government, but his methods are also morally dark. V for Vendettais not a true story. It presents a fictional version of history where Ted Kennedy was elected president of the United States and a...
"V for Vendetta" is in my opinion the best action movie of the year. The story, about a totalitarian state that uses fear and terror to win the elections and dominate the population, inclusive forging terrorist attacks, is much updated. There are many excellent lines in this Orwellian story...
反乌托邦文学的流行始于十九世纪,在一战和二战之后达到高潮。科技发达、政治独裁、极低的公民人身自由是反乌托邦小说中最常见的背景元素。 But what we are going to introduce today is a graphic novel,V FOR VENDETTA. The story is placed in a fictive po...