Thank you for your soon reply, it was my mistake, it is VLOOKUP, and as I told you it's to use this function with other books that I have in my sharepoint. For example, I have "Book1" and "Book2" and i would like to use VLOOKUP from "BOOK1" to "BOOK2". Is it possible?
10 Largest Mutual Funds by AUM Size matters when it comes to mutual funds, but it's definitely not everything. Marc GubertiOct. 15, 2024 Vanguard vs. Fidelity Here's a breakdown of offerings from Vanguard and Fidelity to help you decide which fit your needs. ...
PRIME Z790-V AX motherboard is engineered with multiple onboard heatsinks and an array of hybrid fan headers to ensure your rig stays cool and stable under intense workloads. Heatsinks Cooler by Design Heatsinks VRM HEATSINKS VRM Heatsinks and Thermal Pads The extensive surface area ...
set_yticklabels([]) ax1.set_aspect('equal') #plt.subplot(4,11,i+1) ind_plot = np.random.randint(1,len(y)) plt.imshow(X[ind_plot]) plt.text(2,4,str(y[ind_plot]), color='k',backgroundcolor='c') plt.axis('off') def plot_random_1C(n_row,n_col,X,y):...
Table 1 Comparison of calculated N–F bond lengths (in Å) of NFnm+ moieties in the gas phase and in various NF5 phases (ax – axial, eq – equatorial bonds). Full size table The structures optimized with the PBE functional exhibit similar geometries to those described above (obtained wi...
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由x与y相互独立,有cov(x,y)=0,故D(u)=D(ax+by)=a^2Dx+b^2Dy=(a^2+b^2)σ^2 D(v)=D(ax-by)=a^2Dx+b^2Dy=(a^2+b^2)σ^2,cov(u,v)=cov(ax+by,ax-by)=a^2Dx-b^2Dy=(a^2-b^2)σ^2 所以ρuv=(cov(u,v))/(根号下Du*根号下Dv)=(ac*根号下Dx*根号下Dy*ρxy)/...
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