V-ATPase Subunits Kind protein group Organism Humans Proteins NameUniProt ID V-type proton ATPase 116 kDa subunit a isoform 1 Q93050 Details V-type proton ATPase 116 kDa subunit a isoform 2 Q9Y487 Details V-type proton ATPase 116 kDa subunit a isoform 3 Q13488 Details V-type proton ATPase...
El Far O, Seagar M (2011) A role for V-ATPase subunits in synaptic vesicle fusion? J Neurochem 117: 603-612.El Far O, Seagar M (2011) A role for V-ATPase subunits in synaptic vesicle fusion ? J Neurochem 117 : 603–612El Far, O. and Seagar, M. (2011) A role for V-...
近日,华南理工大学徐进教授团队与张文清教授团队合作在Autophagy杂志上发表题为The different roles of V-ATPase a subunits in phagocytosis/endocytosis and autophagy的研究论文。该课题最初的兴趣点为,研究人员发现相较于野生型,V-ATPase a1...
The V0 sector of v-ATPase is anchored to the lysosomal membrane, and reversible assembly of V1/V0 regulates the v-ATPase activity9–11. The V0 sector consists of six different subunits (a, c, c00, d, e and Ac 45 in mammals)9. The a-subunit has four isoforms (a1–a4), which ...
F1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein in which 3 catalytic β-subunits in a stator α3β3 ring undergo unidirectional and cooperative conformational changes to rotate the rotor γ-subunit upon adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis. From: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 2012 ...
these two types of subunits evolved from a common ancestral gene. The gene duplication giving rise to these two genes (i.e. those encoding the catalytic and non-catalytic subunits) pre-dates the time of the last common ancestor. Similarities between the V- and F-ATPase subunits and an ...
A search for the presence of a CBD in the primary sequences of all V0 sector protein components (subunits a, c, and d) of the Drosophila neuron V-ATPase hinted at the large N-terminal cytosolic region (V100-N) of subunit a1, suggesting that subunit a1 might be a direct target of ...
[1]. V-ATPases are widely expressed in plasma and organelle membranes and are necessary to maintain lysosome pH gradients of cancer cells. The abnormal expression, mislocalization, and mutation of V-ATPase subunits or isoforms are tightly related to cancer progression, which makes V-ATPase an ...
Although there can be multiple isoforms of several V-ATPase subunits, the a-subunit is encoded by the largest number of isoforms in most organisms. For example, the human genome encodes four a-subunit isoforms that exhibit a tissue- and organelle-specific distribution. In the yeast S. ...
Copurification of the 20-kDa polypeptide with established V-ATPase subunits in preparations of the V1Vo complex and the partially purified Vo complex already had indicated that it is a member of the plasma membrane V-ATPase of M. sexta (see above). By contrast, the putative yeast homologue ...