The AK-47CQB Ao is a custom variant of the AK-47 Antique. It was originally released in the in-game shop for 52,000 Euros (Later updated to 70,000), as well as in the first ever Welcome Package with Aeria Games. See AK-47 Antique Just like the Antique, t
De Lisle Commando Carbine(英国的一种消音单动步枪,由李-恩菲尔德改进而来的发射.45亚音速弹的消音步枪) Ross MK.III B(罗斯3 B型单动步枪,基本和《战地风云1》的罗斯3型一样,只是强化了枪机组) Mosin-Nagant M1891(莫辛纳甘M1891单动步枪,兵临城下) 自动装填步枪(侦察兵) ZH-29(捷克制造的一种半自动步枪...
Controlled by Nanny and her Babyizer ray, commando babies are kidnapping people across the world. World Leader is the next target. They seem invincible, for who could possibly hurt a baby? Luckily, Professor Professor’s mega Burpulator provides the solution. Recorded from CBBC Channel on ...
Weapon Type:Electric Weapon Commando AR-15 Varmint Rifle Tier 1 Inventory Slot:Primary Weapon Type:SMG SA80 L85A2 Bullpup Tier 2 Inventory Slot:Primary Weapon Type:Assault Rifle Kalashnikov AK-12 Tier 3 Inventory Slot:Primary Weapon Type:Assault Rifle Mkb.42(H) Carbine Rifle Tier 3 Inventory ...
Ryan Tyler饰: Israeli Commando Amit Shah饰: Rajput Warrior Nick Schroeder饰: Young Washington William Joseph Elk III饰: Lakota Warrior 马特·麦克瓦饰: Cavalryman 蒂莫西·皮克勒斯饰: Self - historical expert - Joan of Arc 杰克·黄饰: Mongolian warrior Paul Suda饰: 18th Century Weapons Expert Dav...
FG42伞兵步枪(Fallschirmjager Gewehr 42):德国新型攻击步枪。 盟军秘密武器 F85“小妖”战机(F-85 Goblin):配备1000发机枪弹的微型喷气式战斗机,适合于制空。 气垫船(Commando Raft):水上载具,配备了一挺机枪,可载4人,水上移动速度很快。 AW-52轰炸机(Armstrong Whitworth AW-52):外形类似巨大的白色宽翼蝙蝠的...
前期:Jackal、Combat Knife 后期:AWP,Katana PS:狙击手的狙击枪伤害大,视野增加50%,可以出其不意暗杀敌人。即使近战,只要不被围攻,用狙击枪也不吃亏。 机枪手(Commando) 优势:综合素质高,血量较高,弹药量最高,枪支火力猛。 弱点:大部分枪支精准度低,远距离战斗偏弱。
简介 Throughout history, there have been great warriors who have made their mark in battle, but how they could have matched up against each other is a mystery. This series endeavors to solve that mystery with various matchups of such warrior classes. With a systematic examination of their phys...
FG42伞兵步枪(Fallschirmjager Gewehr 42):德国新型攻击步枪。 盟军秘密武器: F85“小妖”战机(F-85 Goblin):配备1000发机枪弹的微型喷气式战斗机,适合于制空。 气垫船(Commando Raft):水上载具,配备了一挺机枪,可载4人,水上移动速度很快。 AW-52轰炸机(Armstrong Whitworth AW-52):外形类似巨大的白色宽翼蝙蝠...
Fireman's Knife Inventory Slot:Melee Weapon Type:Melee Weapon Molotov Cocktail Inventory Slot:Explosives Weapon Type:Flame Weapon Gunslinger 1858 Revolver Tier 1 Inventory Slot:Secondary Weapon Type:Pistol Dual 1858 Revolvers Tier 1 Inventory Slot:Primary ...