The Heroes Models 1/144 V-100 Commando Armored Car consists of 11 pieces of gray resin, a set of masks for the tires, and decals for four specific Commandos: Decals appear to be in register and are nicely printed and are doubled-up, "just in case". All four Commandos are finished ...
CAR, ARMORED: LIGHT, 4X4. XM706 AND XM706E1 (COMMANDO-V-100) (NO S/S DOCUMENT)doi:MIL MIL-C-62090B Notice 1-Cancellation
我们先说一下新加坡的V-200。她属于美国的康曼多(Commando)轮式车家族中的成员,由凯迪拉克公司于1969年在V-100的基础上专门为新加坡设计的一款外销型,总重量1.73吨,车内最多可以容纳12人。改用了克莱斯勒公司的440CID型柴油机,速度为96千米的时速,小编印象中这个速度应该是略低于V-100的。 新加坡为V-200安装的武...
The Commando V-150 is a rugged 4x4 wheeled vehicle that achieves speeds of up to 113 km/h . The watertight hull is fully amphibious and needs no preparation for swimming or fording. The V...
commando_lmg_africa_uk w_vickers_k_lmg_uk ML 3英寸迫击炮班 mortar_81mm_africa_uk ML 4.2英寸重型迫击炮班 mortar_heavy_4_2_africa_uk M1组合榴弹炮小队 pack_howitzer_75mm_africa_uk 登高轻型侦察车 dingo_africa_uk 2磅轻型反坦克炮小队 at_gun_2pdr_africa_uk 6磅反坦克炮 at_gun_6pdr_africa...
精品遊戲 突擊隊英雄/Commando Hero(v2.1.5) 精品遊戲 可口的披薩,美味的披薩/Good Pizza, Great Pizza(V1.26.9) 精品遊戲 魔咒之地/Forspoken(豪華版V1.21+預購特典+前傳DLC+全DLC+季票) 精品遊戲 地球X/EarthX正式版 精品遊戲 叉車模拟器2023/Forklift Simulator 2023 精品遊戲 害羞貓隐藏樂團/Shy Cats...
- PE has a new building with all the infantry upgrades in it, buildable for 100 MP - PE ...
“They’re not going to be here for a while,” the commando commander told Andrew. “Can you guys see?” The commandos were lightly armed with only machine guns and small arms that lacked the range or punch to do real damage to the Russians. The five QRF trucks, armed with .50-calib...
06 commando-sc lom: Caching ID information Fri Jul 19 15:16:08 commando-sc lom: Clock Source: 75MHz Fri Jul 19 15:16:10 commando-sc lom: /N0/PS0: Status is OK Fri Jul 19 15:16:11 commando-sc lom: /N0/PS1: Status is OK Fri Jul 19 15:16:11 commando-sc lom: Chassis is ...