Employment is conditional upon your successful enrolment as a PhD student at the PhD School at the Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen. This requires submission and acceptance of an APPlication for the specific project formulated by the APPlicant. The terms of employment and salary are in ...
Employment is conditional upon your successful enrolment as a PhD student at the PhD School at the Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen. This requires submission and acceptance of an application for the specific project formulated by the applicant. The terms of employment and salary are in ...
In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the regular doctoral studies at the Science Faculty, MD-PhD students are required to earn additional ECTS credit points in the framework of the MD-PhD propaedeutic studies. Track I: The propaedeutic studies are entered in parallel to the medical ...
He is the Chairman of the Executive Education of the UZH Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics, and he is Co-Head of the UZH Center for Crisis Competence. He has served as chairman of a proxy advisor and as an independent counsel for PwC. His research focuses on corporate ...
苏黎世大学MS in Earth System Science地质学地球科学硕士 苏黎世大学PhD in Management and Economics经济学博士Department of Business Administration 哥本哈根大学MSc in Environment and Development硕士 哥本哈根大学PhD at the Faculty of Humanities人类学社会学博士 ...
The Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine belongs to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zurich, and hosts the medical track of the PhD program Biomedical Ethics and Law, a joint venture of the UZH Medical Faculty and the Faculty of Law. Since 2009, the IBME has...
Master of Science in Informatics (Faculty of Economics)Master of Arts in Economic Sciences Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration Master of Science UZH ETH in Quantitative Finance RVO 2008 其他的不太清楚,我知道的情况是,苏黎世大学和苏黎世联邦理工学院两个大牛校合办的...
南非:约翰内斯堡大学University of Johannesburg(Faculty of Law) 三. 项目计划 1. 苏黎世大学项目计划 学制:苏黎世大学两个学期,合作院校两个学期,合计两年四个学期。 双学位学生在苏黎世大学可以选择以下两种学习方案: (1)法学硕士(Master of Law) UZH Law ...
所以如果考虑BA商业分析的同学觉得这个DS的项目也是可以商科同学申请,因为在Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics下面,共享商科资源,那么确实是理解错了。如果你的成绩单超过90%的课程是商科,只是学了微积分,线性代数,概率统计这几门基础的数学课,考虑申请Data Science数据科学或者其他的HCI人机交互,AI人工智能...