In an era in which it is typical for people to take to the streets to protest a cause, there has been an overwhelming silence regarding a particular human rights issue: the Chinese oppression of the Uyghur population. Recent media releases, including New York Times footage of the forced labor...
The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFLPA” or “Act”)—and its stringent import restrictions—took effect on June 21, 2022.[1]The Act, the latest effort by the United States concerning the Uyghur population in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (the “XUAR” or “Xinj...
or Uyghuristan. It is also spoken by some 300,000 people inKazakhstan. In addition, there are Uyghur-speaking communities in most countries of Central Asia, as well as in the United States and United Kingdom. The total population of Uyghur speakers around the world is estimated at 10.4 mil...
“The United States will not stand idly by as the Chinese Communist Party carries out human rights abuses targeting Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs and members of other minority groups in Xinjiang, to include forced labor, arbitrary mass detention, and forced population control, and attempts to erase ...
They reveal that an estimated 10% of the Uyghur population, that’s around two million people, have or still are being detained in the Xinjiang region. With many sentences upwards of ten years, that is essentially a life sentence for the many elderly people among those detained.There are ...
The Uyghur ethnicity numbers about 11 million people and represents the second largest minority ethnic group in China. The Uyghur people mainly live in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region in the far northwest of China, where they account for ~ 48% of the population.23 The Uyghur population ...
Researcher finds one of the databases used to track Uyghur Muslim population in Xinjiang. US bans export of dual-use techology to Hong Kong over China's new security laws Commerce Department says it is now too risky to send technology to Hong Kong as it may end up in the Chin...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia Uy·ghur alsoUi·ghur(wē′go͝or)·ghurs,alsoUighur,orUi·ghurs 1.A member of a mainly agricultural Turkic people inhabiting the Xinjiang region in China. ...
this brutal act against the Uyghur workers who were from the countryside of the Uyghur region, who simply just want to earn some money and go back. Another displeasure the Uyghurs have expressed is, back in 1949, the Han Chinese population only three percent. But now reached over 45%, ...
Asian Indigenous and Tribal People- General Resources By peoples, tribes, ethnicity, regions Custom Search Ethnic Uygurs in Hunan Live in Harmony with Han Chinese__ A cultural article detailing the relationship between a small Uygur community and the majority Han. - From People's Daily -http://...