”) with seven-point Likert-type rating (1 = “strongly disagree” to 7 = “strongly agree”). Five of the items were formulated in the reverse direction to reduce the possibility of acquiescence bias. The higher score on AHS indicates a stronger holistic style of thinking. The reliability ...
are entitled to entry into the United States. All products manufactured in the region or produced by a list of entities that have now been designated by the interagency Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force (“FLETF”) are presumptively barred from entry into the United States unless the im...
CBP has five business days following the date merchandise is presented for examination to CBP to determine whether to detain the merchandise. Merchandise not released within five days will be considered detained. Importers of detained merchandise may respond to the detention or export the goods wit...
Having a process to vet potential suppliers for forced labor prior to entering a contract with them; Requiring that supplier contracts necessitate corrective action by the supplier if forced labor is identified in the supply chain; Outlining the consequences if corrective action ...
Following the riot, XUAR Chairman Nur Bekri admitted that security forces had shot dead 12 Uyghur rioters but insisted police had exercised “the greatest restraint”, “In any country ruled by law, the use of force is necessary to protect th...
In recent years, due to the success of joint anti-terror drills organized by the SCO member states, the main force of the IMU has gradually moved from the Fergana basin to northern Afghanistan. But the IMU are waiting for an opportunity to return to Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, influenced by the...
Throughout all the furor, the Air Force never informed Vermont residents that the F35 was designed as a dual-capable plane; that is, able to deliver either a conventional weapon or a nuclear weapon or that its new guided bomb, the B61-12 was being specially designed to fit into the ...
371). The Uyghur minority attempted to secede from China with the establishment of the East Turkestan Republic in 1945, but the People’s Liberation Army (the military force of the Chinese Communist Party or CCP) re-gained power over the region of Xinjiang following WWII. By 1955, the ...
371). The Uyghur minority attempted to secede from China with the establishment of the East Turkestan Republic in 1945, but the People’s Liberation Army (the military force of the Chinese Communist Party or CCP) re-gained power over the region of Xinjiang following WWII. By 1955, the ...