首先,了解 UI 和 UX 在电子商务背景下的含义非常重要。 UX 是用户体验的缩写。它是指客户与网站或产品的交互,重点是优化这种交互,为用户提供愉快、高效的体验。 在电子商务中,用户体验可以包括导航性、可访问性、轻松结帐和直观的产品信息呈现等方面。 另一方面,UI(用户界面)的缩写,涉及网站或产品的视觉方面。它...
比如,在制作底部导航栏的时候,UI设计师会精雕细琢,将每一个按钮的颜色、点击后产生的变化都展现出来;但UX设计师可能就会大相径庭,他们也许只会把按钮放在那里,并且留下一行文字:点击变暗。 3. 工具的选择 既然UI和UX设计师们在关注点和色彩的使用上存在着差别,那么他们在原型设计工具的选择上肯定也是不一样的。
UX vs. UI Design: The Definitions What is UX (User Experience) Design? User experience design encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services and products. In a way, the term is self-explanatory: UX considers how a user thinks and feels about a produ...
Understanding the difference between UX and UI can get confusing. Learn what UX and UI are, and the differences between the two.
UI has grown in importance as we’ve become more reliant on technology in our everyday lives. When it’s done well, users aren’t even aware that it’s there. When it’s done poorly, they notice and may decide to avoid your business in the future. ...
The Difference Between UX and UI Design-A Layman’s Guide 这篇文章中主要讲解了UX和UI的区别,到底什么是UX,什么是UI,作者不仅指出了他们的不同,还做了更进一步的比较。(还有薪资的比较呢。) UX vs UI vs IA vs IxD : 4 Confusing Digital Design Terms Defined ...
That’s the UI and UX design at work. While one makes your website look like a million bucks, the other ensures it works like a charm. When it comes to UI vs. UX design, you might ask yourself: what’s the difference? And why do successful websites need both? In this post, we...
1.3UI vs UX Design: The Difference? 2Critical Touchpoints Of UI & UX 2.1Navigation That Guides & Delights 2.2Forms That Convert, Not Confuse 2.3Mobile Design That Makes Sense 2.4Color & Typography In Synergy 3Common UI/UX Design Challenges In Web Design ...