按照网上配置nginx+uwsgi+django的文章,nginx启动成功,django启动也成功,单独用uwsgi --http :8000 命令启动uwsgi也成功。使用uwsgi --socket :8000就失败。搜了好久好久,才解决了,现将问题记录一下。用阿里云的服务器会出现这个问题。 出现上图错误:bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769] ...
1 端口 日志:bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769] 原因:当前端口被使用。 解决:解决端口占用即可,懒得去找被谁占用了,很可能是被uwsgi之前的进程占用了。我是在排查问题,不是在求真,所以不浪费精力去排查到底被谁占用了,直接换个端口往下走。 2 插件 日志:no request plugin is loaded...
thunder lock: enabled probably another instance of uWSGI is running on the same address ( bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 根据日志,发现原来是端口被使用,解决办法: [root@www script]# ps -ef |grep u...
uWSGI http bound on :8000 fd 3 probably another instance of uWSGI is running on the same address (:8000). bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769] 1. 2. 3.
probably another instance of uWSGI is running on the same address ( bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769] 本机8000端口已被占用,lsof -i:8000检查是什么进程绑定了8000端口。有用 回复 查看全部 1 个回答 ...
probably another instance of uWSGI is running on the same address (:8002). bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 764] 按照端口进行查询进程 lsof -i :8002 可以查出: COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME
在启动nginx时,如果发现报错"98:Address already in use",不要着急,很有可能是因为你的nginx已经启动了。 通过netstat -ntlp 查看端口占用情况,看看是不是你的nginx占用的80端口。如果发现有其他程序占用了nginx的默认的80端口,可以杀掉这些进程,再启动nginx。
bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 764] 那么就可以使用#lsof -i:8002,然后把对应的进程干掉就好了。 最后附赠python脚本一个,这个脚本可以显示python的path,内容如下: import os print '=== sys.path / PYTHONPATH ===' for k...
执行命令重启 sudo supervisorctl start demo demo: ERROR (abnormal termination) uwsgi.log 可能是重启的时候 uwsgi 进程仍在监听该端口 probably another instance of uWSGI is running on the same address ( bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769] 我的配置文件 uwsgi....
probably another instance of uWSGI is running on the same address ( bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769] 我的配置文件 uwsgi.ini [uwsgi] # Django-related settings chdir = /home/www/Documents/demo ...