8i3648", "latitude":43.471935, "longitude":-80.54504 }, { "name":"Mac lab, Faculty of Math", "url":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/contrib\/109625689197700120214\/photos\/@43.4718961,-80.5439778,3a,75y,90t\/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-jhYOsqJGO6I%2FVJeVIv3bE5I%2F...
Waterloo's local Programming Contests are held every term, and conducted according to ACM Rules. With the following variances:. Each entrant is a single individual, rather than a team of three. Each contest is 3 hours long, rather than 5. There are 5 questions, rather than "between 6 and...