uwa.edu.au/study/Courses/Bachelor-of-Psychology 商业心理学硕士 Master of Business Psychology uwa.edu.au/study/courses/master-of-business-psychology 更多专业选择及该领域信息: uwa.edu.au/study/areas/psychology 人文与社会科学 培养行业所需的人才...
Bachelor of Science Psychological and Behavioural Sciences 最喜欢的:老师|课程|学校资源 “清晰地了解到自己的目标。” 在西澳大学的求学过程中,我最喜欢的课程是Cognitive Psychology (PSYC3315)和这门课程的讲师Kate Crookes博士。我觉得每个教授的授课各...
商业学士 Bachelor of Business:高考总成绩的67.5% 理学学士 Bachelor of Science:高考总成绩的67.5% 工程学(荣誉)学士学位(4年) Bachelor of Engineering (honours) :高考总成绩的70% 高级计算机科学荣誉学士(4年) Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science- Honours:高考总成绩的78% 生物医学学士 Bachelor of Biomedi...
10. Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology 2年 要求: (1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—an accredited bachelor's honours degree in psychology with at least an upper second class Honours (2A), or an equivalent qualification as recognised by UWA...