对比bschool,课程是完全设置好一个framework不允许调整内容和顺序(只在最后一个quarter有一两门选修课的自由),ischool还是会有更多的容错空间吧。 学院和学校会分别设career fair(甚至job database都是学院和学校各有一个。。不知道是不是ischool才这样),所以没来ischool但是来uw的大公司我们也可以去投。另外学院...
其中,独创的数学商务和会计课程 (MATHEMATICS BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING PROGRAMS),是由数学学院与滑铁卢大学会计与金融学院 (School of Accounting and Finance) 和劳里尔大学(Wilfrid Laurier University )商业与经济学院合作,提供8个独有专业课程: 商科和数学双学位Business and Mathematics Double Degree 商科和计算机科学...
Master’s Program in Human-Computer Interaction(MS-HCI) 这也是四所学院(Industrial Design、Interactive Computing,Literature,Media and Communication、Psychology)的合作项目,项目专注于UX(用户体验),鼓励不同背景的学生申请,包括有工作经验的学生;其优势也在于其多元化的学生社区和校友网络。除了需要修满四学期的36个...
Master’s Program in Human-Computer Interaction(MS-HCI) 这也是四所学院(Industrial Design、Interactive Computing,Literature,Media and Communication、Psychology)的合作项目,项目专注于UX(用户体验),鼓励不同背景的学生申请,包括有工作经验的学生;其优势也在于其多元化的学生社区和校友网络。除了需要修满四学期的36个...
responsible for running an after-school program and managing an ever-fluctuating volunteer base. Aside from these day-to-day responsibilities, my role also involved designing a “club” in which students could freely write and create, without experiencing the mundanity they often associated with writ...
We also have one of the world’s top film programs, Wisconsin’s only bachelor’s program in ASL/English interpretation and its only school of architecture. Plus, no matter what you study at UWM, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art learning spaces, like our new chemistry building ...
我们是uw的一个交叉学科的项目,算是很新的一个program,刚刚成立四年但是有自己独立的学院。但是由CSE,HCDE,iSchool 和 Design School 一起联合管理和共享资源。MHCID最大的特点就是作为一个只有一年的fulltime,小班教学的program,你将会和一群小伙伴一起度过热血奋斗的充实的一年。 2. 你感觉你们项目会偏重哪方面...
Larry Wilcox was born August 8, 1947 in San Diago and later move to Rawlins, Wyoming. He graduated from High School in Rawlins and attended the University of Wyoming for a few years. He is an American actor best known for his role as Jonathan "Jon" Baker in the television series CHiPs...
She was a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Graduate School of Education at UC Berkeley, advised by Dr. Marcia Linn. Dr. Wiese earned her Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon's Human-Computer Interaction Institute, where she was advised by Dr. Ken Koedinger and awarded an Institute of Education Sciences ...
Students served as mentors for first-generation high school students, in collaboration with a local college access program. Co-instructor Year-long course exploring leadership in the context of public service, including leadership theory, critical skills for ethical and effective leadership, and public ...