UW's Krempels on way to med school At a glance University ofWyoming student Ryan Krempels had a...Curtis, Aerin
Med School at the UW Opens Doors to Nonlegal ResidentsLong, Katherine
The legislators backing Washington State University's bid toestablish its own Spokane-based...Wasson, David
WSU WANTS OWN MED SCHOOL University Leaders Say Region Is Underserved by UWWashington State University officials want to launch the state'ssecond public medical school in...Hatch, Addy
The University of Washington on Monday criticized as "seriouslyflawed" a feasibility study...Hatch, Addy
WSU, UW WARNED ON MED SCHOOL State Senator Tells Schools to Work It OutWashington's two major universities need to work out theirdifferences "in an amicable way" over...Camden, Jim
MED SCHOOL DEBATE TURNS TO FUNDING UW Wants to Keep $5.9 Million in Medical Program Expansion Funds If WSU Starts Own School2015 WASHINGTON LEGISLATUREIf Washington State University wants to start its own medicalschool,...Camden, Jim
GU WEIGHS MED SCHOOL ROLE Officials Considering Collaboration with UW to Boost Physician TrainingThe University of Washington's plans to expand physician trainingin Spokane may have found a...Wasson, David
Uw, Wsu Spar over Med School at RiverpointTensions between the University of Washington and WashingtonState University over the future of...Hatch, Addy
PANEL QUESTIONS WSU, UW ON BUDGETS Senator Expresses Dismay over Med School BreakupThe Legislature should not have to be forced to act like a parentto settle a fight between...Camden, Jim