As for specializations, many programs have areas of study that you must choose between when you apply to the program, such as the Wisconsin Full-Time MBA Program’s ten career specializations. You should research programs and specializations before the meeting, but come with any questions you ...
Singletary, Ken
UW-Madison 优点:老牌名校;项目在开学前有training camp, 我的计算机基础什么的不是特别好,比较有帮助...
高级MBA:为期2年,属非全日制项目,要求申请者拥有8年商科相关工作经验,至少5年管理经验。 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊校区概况 据留学云介绍,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊校区拥有一个庞大的学生群体无疑让UW-Madison学生的课余生活无比丰富。竞技层面,UW-Madison的男子篮球队和橄榄球队分别赢得过17个和14个Big-Ten冠军头衔。每当比赛日来临...
在职金融MBA项目介绍 FMBA PT+ Admissions Policy 【Guests】 Prof. Yongheng Deng 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校威斯康星商学院 John P. Morgridge 杰出讲席教授 Xiaoliang Kang FISF FMBA PT+ 2023 Cohort UW Madison GREM 2023 Cohort 想象一下,在被誉为“最宜居城市”的麦迪逊,你的生活将如何展开?
Madison is awesome also. But I decided to pay my own way and I didn't want to take on any more school debt. So I transferred to UWM. And I found what I thought was a better campus experience, in its layout and up keep. I found real business internship opportunities because of UWM...
SPONSORED University of Wisconsin--MadisonMadison, WI Add to Compare SPONSORED University of Wisconsin--MilwaukeeMilwaukee, WI Add to Compare SPONSORED University of Wisconsin--Stevens PointStevens Point, WI Add to Compare Reviews & Ratings See reviews and ratings of this school from students, alumni...
1848年,威斯康星成为美利坚合众国第30个州,该州创立伊始就立法决定在州首府麦迪逊(Madison)成立威斯康星大学,世界大学排名第19位。1971年威斯康星州立法成立“威斯康星大学系统”(University of Wisconsin System),它吸收了威斯康星大学(UW-Madison),威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校(UW-Eau Claire),威斯康星大学(密尔沃基...