PhD in Electrical Engineering: 系里唯一的PhD项目,无论是研究方向如何,都统一包含在这个项目中。研究方向多与合作教授有关,在招生时教授也有比较大的话语权,平均学习时长在5年左右。 Research MS in EE:对于想继续进行深造的学生可以申请这个项目,时长为两年,录取学生会选择一个学术上的导师,并在入学后开始参与...
In 1926, he earned his PhD at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He stayed there for three years as an Assistant Professor. In 1929, Hawley returned to Queen's as Professor and Head of the Department of Mineralogy. His earliest papers in 1929 and 1930, based on research on the ...