#UWMadisonCSSA# 这里是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校CSSA官方微博,我们的微信公众平台号是uw-cssa,第一时间分享学联资源动态;也可以加我们的微信号“麦屯学联小助手”:cssauwmadison,随时解答各类问题。这里会分...
Code Issues Pull requests cssdatabasesindexingdbbtree564buffer-manageruwmadison Updatedon Dec 11, 2017 Python This is a dashboard to keep track of the current cases of coronavirus in and around the University of Wisconsin Madison. dashboardangular2uw-madisonuniversity-of-wisconsinuwmadisoncovid-19co...
UW-Madison Schedule Downloader This is a Google Chrome extension that lets you download your class schedule as an .ical file, which can be imported to calendars such as Google Calendar or the Apple iCloud Calendar.' Installation Download directly from the Chrome Web Store! Usage Simply press do...
#UWMadisonCSSA# CSSA将于6-7月在北京、上海、深圳、长沙开展新生见面会,为萌新带来史上最强入学福利和来自学长学姐的干货放送!见面会现场直接办理电话卡储蓄卡,一站式服务让你无忧开启麦屯生活~📱AT&T电话卡直邮到家,落地美国即可使用,更有每月立减5$优惠!🏦USBank银行卡现场申请,抵达麦迪逊后直接领卡,免去一...
Led a team of 6 students through multiple Agile iterations of development to build a platform where restaurants’ managers can update information, protocols and real-time capacity statistics to Madison residents amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Collaborated with teammates to conduct design & planning docu...
#UWMadisonCSSA# Org Fair已经开始啦,我们在二楼171a,最阳光明媚的区域。欢迎来找我们的小哥哥小姐姐吃糖聊天!以及麦迪逊华人篮球队在二楼134a,对此感兴趣的同学也可以来了解一下。
This was a project created as part of Amber Field's CS 639 Capstone class at The University of Wisconsin - Madison. Here's the team that worked on it! Adam Schmidt David Teather Gulinazi Julati Georgia Li Rudy Banerjee Steven Lai Overview The orbit-iq project comprises several services, wh...