我本来是打算在UIUC double major心理和Asian Studies的,但是因为Asian Studies方面课业的问题最后就放弃了...
“Like many other universities, the University of Wisconsin–Madison regularly communicates the idea that bias is widespread and that most members of the campus community engage in discriminatory behaviors. This message is inconsistent with the findings reported in this article.” That’s the conclus...
威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)位于美国威斯康辛州首府麦迪逊市,是威斯康辛大学系统的旗帜性学校。 拥有全国与国际性的声望,在政治学及经济学亦负盛名。 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校是北美洲规模最大的大学之一。 它是美国最着名的研究性公立大学之一。
Motokiyo, Zeami.The Spirit of Noh: A New Translation of the Classic Noh Treatise the Fushikaden. Trans. William Scott Wilson. Boston: Shambhala, 2013. Nagata, Yasushi, and Ravi Chaturvedi.Modernization of Asian Theatres: Process and Tradition. Singapore: Springer, 2019. Nevitt, Marcus, and T...
申请East Asian Studies的研究生,申了12所,现在被WUSTL,UIUC,USC,和安娜堡给拒了,估计乔治华盛顿牛逼哄哄的艾略特学院和NYU也要据我。录了两所,UW-Seattle和UIowa,都没钱,还剩哥大,杜克Upenn和痞子堡。但我觉得希望也怪渺茫的,就想来问一下UW-Seattle怎么样。我申的是International Studies下的China Studies的...
摘要: Core OPEC members Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the first and third largest producers in the 13-member group, have so far ignored Iranian calls for an oil embargo against Israel amid the intensification of its war with Hamas, but analysts say that should not be interpreted as an olive ...