"It would really kind of revolutionize the treatment of kidney stones in the sense that you could come to the clinic and have a stone treated before its a problem," said Dr. Jonathan Harper with UW Medicine. Seattle resident Mark...
UWMC clinic staff are - Drink alcohol also available to help. - Make important personal decisions or sign legal documents - Be responsible for the care of another person Radiology/Imaging Services: • You may shower or bathe the next day. 206-598-6200 • There is only minor pain after ...
3. 在已切除的食管癌或胃食管连接部癌受试者中评价nivolumab与安慰剂相比的第1、2和3年生存率 目标入组人数:国际多中心试验:总体760人,中国25人; 入选标准: 排除标准: 参加医院和研究者: