He started asking faculty and a few alumni to participate in July, and quickly got many of the university’s all-stars on board: The president and provost. School of Public Health dean Hilary Godwin, who Taylor dubbed “our own form of a Dr. Fauci.” Dr. Benjamin Danielson, pedi...
书名相台五经五种九十三卷 作者(宋)岳珂編 版本清賀長齡刻本 卷数31册 下落貴州省圖書館 内容存七十五卷(毛詩一至二十、尚書一至十三、禮記一至十二、周易一至十、春秋經傳集解十一至三十) 说明本栏目只提供馆藏线索,不代表本站有影印。 影印检索其他古籍 ...
I've seen your job titles in emails. Would you mind elaborating? Theresa Guise:I'm an endocrinologist and a physician and a scientist. In the clinic, I address bone health in patients that have cancer. I have a research lab where we study mechanisms and develop therapies for bone cancer....