The Eastpark Medical Center will be located across from East Madison Hospital and UW Health Rehabilitation Hospital on Eastpark Drive. The building is under construction with a scheduled completion in fall 2024. The Team Scott Simpson Design Phase Executive ...
Integrative health services Reimagining healthcare Eastpark Medical Center is not just a new facility, but a new way to deliver health care. Patients receive state-of-the-art cancer care all in one place. With multiple specialists and services under one roof, patients can receive the personalize...
Mary Woodard Lasker (November 30, 1900 – February 21, 1994) was an American health activist and philanthropist. She worked to raise funds for medical research, and founded the Lasker Foundation. Age: Dec. at 93 (1900-1994) Birthplace: Watertown, Wisconsin Mark Pocan Businessperson, Politician...
11. 组织学或细胞学上证明为转移性或不可切除的累及肾盂、输尿管、膀胱或尿道等尿路上皮的移行细胞癌 2. 根据RECIST 1.1标准,通过CT或MRI确定的可测量病灶 3. 不允许既往对转移性或手术不可切除UC进行过全身化疗 4. 不适合含顺铂化疗的受试者将通过以下标准...
研究药物:LY3314814片(其他命名:AZD3293,Lanabecestat),是礼来(Eli Lilly)和阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)共同在研的治疗阿尔茨海默病的临床新药——针对“β-淀粉样前体蛋白剪切酶-1(BACE1)”的抑制剂。 研究适应症:轻度阿尔茨海默病(AD)。 首次公示:2018-02-13 ...
研究药物:Nivolumab注射液,是百时美施贵宝公司(Bristol-Myers Squibb)在研的抗癌免疫药——抗PD-1单克隆抗体。 研究适应症:晚期食管鳞状细胞癌(ESCC)。 首次公示:2018-02-27 研究标题:nivolumab联合伊匹木单抗或化疗对比化疗一线治疗不可切除的晚期复发性或转移性...