Virginia Apgar (June 7, 1909 – August 7, 1974) was an American obstetrical anesthesiologist, best known as the inventor of the Apgar Score, a way to quickly assess the health of a newborn child immediately after birth. She was a leader in the fields of anesthesiology and teratology, and...
the man can be seen almost daring the bison to charge him, which it appeared to do.The man was later arrested in a national park in Montana.Prior to this incident, on July 28, the man was cited with three petty offenses in U.S. ...
3. 在已切除的食管癌或胃食管连接部癌受试者中评价nivolumab与安慰剂相比的第1、2和3年生存率 目标入组人数:国际多中心试验:总体760人,中国25人; 入选标准: 排除标准: 参加医院和研究者:
试验目的: 主要目的:在患有携带EGFR框内20号外显子插入突变的局部晚期或转移性NSCLC并且至少接受过局部晚期或转移性NSCLC 1线治疗的患者中,根据IRC评估,通过确认ORR确定TAK-788的疗效。 目标入组人数:国际多中心试验:总体91人,中国18人; 入选标准: 排除标准...
1.Infusion sterilized by EO, asepsis,non-pyrogen 2.medical pvc material 3.Good quality and service 4.CE mark product 1)Name: Disposable Infusion Sets, Disposable I.V. Sets 2)Scope of application: disposable use of venous tranfusion , hypodermic injection in clinic 3)Sterilization...
11. 组织学或细胞学上证明为转移性或不可切除的累及肾盂、输尿管、膀胱或尿道等尿路上皮的移行细胞癌 2. 根据RECIST 1.1标准,通过CT或MRI确定的可测量病灶 3. 不允许既往对转移性或手术不可切除UC进行过全身化疗 4. 不适合含顺铂化疗的受试者将通过以下标准...
研究药物:LY3314814片(其他命名:AZD3293,Lanabecestat),是礼来(Eli Lilly)和阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)共同在研的治疗阿尔茨海默病的临床新药——针对“β-淀粉样前体蛋白剪切酶-1(BACE1)”的抑制剂。 研究适应症:轻度阿尔茨海默病(AD)。 首次公示:2018-02-13 ...
1. 比较肾切除术后患有组织学特点以透明细胞为主的局限性肾细胞癌的受试者经静脉输注给予 nivolumab+伊匹木单抗联合方案对比安慰剂后的 BICR 确认的无疾病生存期(DFS) 2. 比较肾切除术后患有组织学特点以透明细胞为主的局限性肾细胞癌的受试者经静脉输注给予 ...