2、UW大学文理学院(College of Arts & Sciences) 该学院是UW大学最大的学院。该学院涵盖了人文、社会科学和自然科学三个领域,下设25个系和部门,提供了丰富的课程和研究机会。文理学院包含38个系、71个项目和中心,以及一个国际研究院,为学生提供探索文化和自然世界的丰富机会。 3、UW大学建筑环境学院(College of ...
UW华盛顿大学西雅图的教育学方向学术资源丰富,拥有College of Education,该学院在教育学领域享有很高的声誉...
According to the University of Wyoming, the UW College of Education and UW Trustees Education Initiative (TEI) have partnered with Mursion, a company that develops virtual reality training simulations, to present the inaugural College WYTeach competition. UW and Wyoming community college students who...
UW Seeks Grant to Improve College of EdHed: UW trustees seeks grants for improving College of EducationAt a glance The University of...Galloway, Kristine
College Inn 地址: 4000 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98105 訂位: (206) 633-4441 價位:低 學校附近的低價旅社,非常便宜,相對的品質就不能太要求,浴室也是公共的,不過房內及大廳走美式復古風,別具風味,頗適合預算不多的年輕人住 Graduate Hotel Seattle (原 Hotel Deca 重新裝修 預計2018年9月全新開幕) ...
Portfolio作品集5. Resume 简历6. Three Letters of Recommendation 三封推荐信7. TOEFL 92 04联系方式 College of Built Environments3950 University Way NESeattle, WA 98195T: 206.543.7679F: *** 05留学费用 扫码添加获取留学评估 2020@Shanghai Studio©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算...
4. Portfolio作品集 5. Resume 简历 6. Three Letters of Recommendation 三封推荐信 7. TOEFL 92 04联系方式 College of Built Environments 3950 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98195 T: 206.543.7679 F: 206.543.2463 archdept@uw.edu 05留学费用...
Haddix holds a doctorate in education from Boston College. "We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Haddix to UW–Madison," Provost Charles Isbell said. "Her passion for education is evident, demonstrated through her history of mentoring and advising generations of students." During her time at Syracuse...
In the College of Education, the bachelor’s program in secondary French, German and Spanish education would be eliminated; In the College of Engineering and Applied Science, consolidation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science would be considere...