首先,不是所有的学校都接受AP转学分,也不是每一科AP都能转成学分的。具体哪门课,在哪个学校,能转成多少学分有两种方式可以查询: 通过CB官网链接 https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/getting-credit-placement/search-policies 直接在谷歌上搜“学校名+ap credit transfer” 这样,会搜到找学校官网发出来的pdf。...
UW大部分专业都是180学分毕业,主要分三部分: ① General Studies Credit Requirement(75-90 Credits): 包括A&H、SSc、NSc、Div、Q/SR、Additional Writing(W)、English Composition(C),这七大项加起来不得少于75个学分。 ② Major Credit Requirement(50-100 Credits) ③ Electives & Optional Minors(0-30 credit...
Yes, University of Wisconsin-Madison accepts AP credits. Refer to the college's website for their specific policy on AP credits. A college’s AP credit policy will lay out the minimum score to earn credit for a given exam, the amount of credit awarded, and how credits are applied. At ...
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Shipping & Policy Shipping Cost: Contact the supplier about freight and estimated delivery time. Payment Methods: Support payments in USD Secure payments: Every payment you make on Made-in-China.com is protected by the platform. Refund policy: Claim a refund if your...
Dual credit in US higher education: a study of state policy and quality assurance practices While dual credit takes many forms, this study focused on college-level courses (excluding [Advanced Placement] AP and [International Baccalaureate] IB) ... VMH Borden,JL Taylor,E Park,... - 《Higher...
Shipping & Policy Shipping Cost: Contact the supplier about freight and estimated delivery time. Payment Methods: Support payments in USD Secure payments: Every payment you make on Made-in-China.com is protected by the pl...
除了可以利用AP/IB/Alevel换学分,还可以在寒暑假来JNC国际暑期学校平台外修学分。 JNC合作大学开设的课程涵盖了许多UW学子必修的学科类别,能够帮助大家在暑期修学分,加速学业进程,提前毕业,还能一年省好几万学费呢! JNC课程学分成功转回UW ⬇ 如果同学们不知道怎么规划自己的学分和课程,那一定要来参加UW线上宣讲会...