启用事件调度器后,拥有SUPER权限的账户执行 SHOW PROCESSLIST 就可以看到这个线程了。通过设定全局变量event...
endmodule 518views and0likes How do I intercept uvm_error so that sb.dump_contents() method is called when the error happens? How do I intercept uvm_error so that sb.dump_contents() method is called when the error happens? 1160:0
Encountered this error while integrating RAL model in UVM testbench. /tools/verilator/v5.019_feae9ca/bin/verilator --cc --trace --exe --main --timing -Mdir example_tb-sim \ -DUVM_NO_DPI --prefix example_tb -o example_tb +incdir+design +incdir+verif +incdir+/tools/uvm/ieee_uvm_...
Second point is that i had compiled uvm_candylovers example in same simulator but i didnt found any errors, that what errors i found with counter code that above attached. So could you please go through the code once and resolve my problem. Thanks in a...
To answer chr_sue about why I did not use a break statement when the abort event occurred inside the sequence (seq1_vseq)) that I will stop or kill, in fact the two processes are separated I wanted to do something clean and reusable since seq1_vseq just one exa...
首先搜索对应的cuda版本并选择下载链接,我们这里以11.8为例。 CUDA Toolkit 11.8 Downloads 如果直接安装驱动和cuda的话,可能会得到以下的错误 ERROR: An NVIDIA kernel module 'nvidia' appears to already be loaded in your kernel. This may be because it is in use (for example, by an X server, a CU...
//example 求两次display的值 byte signed_vec = 8’b 1000_0000 ; //有符号8位 bit [8:0] result_vec; //无符号9位 initial begin result_vec = signed_vec; //直接把有符号数赋给无符号数是不对的 $display(“@1 result_vec = ‘h%x”, result_vec); //以十六进制输出 ...