uvm_root源代码中run_test()方法代码片段 于是我们知道我们是可以将其中的变量finish_on_completion赋值为...
uvm_top.finish_on_completion = 0;uvm_top是全局变量,该参数默认值为1,即执行完run_test()后 ,会调用$finish()退出仿真,这里我们需要在run_test()执行完之后,打印mu的数据,因此将该值修改为0。 uvm_component类型new方法的声明看这儿; uvm_top看这儿; finish_on_completion参数看这儿; test.sv //---//...
如果test_name参数被提供,或者通过命令+UVM_TESTNAME=TEST_NAME,run_test将会执行。当run_test被执行时,components被创建,接着phases将会执行,如果全局变量finish_on_completion被设置为1,那么phase执行完成后,会调用$finish来结束仿真。 set_timeout function void set_timeout ( time timeout, bit overridable = 1...
bit enable_print_topology = 0;//如果被设置,在end_of_elaboration phase结束的时候打印拓扑结构 bit finish_on_completion = 1;//If set, then run_test will call $finish after all phases are executed. time phase_timeout = `UVM_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; static local uvm_root m_inst; bit m_phase_all...
// of the end_of_elaboration phase. bitenable_print_topology =0; // Variable: finish_on_completion // If set, then run_test will call $finish after all phases are executed. bitfinish_on_completion =1; endclass 层次结构用句柄表示; 路径时用实例化时的名字表示;...
import vunit_pkg::*; `include "vunit_defines.svh" `TEST_SUITE begin uvm_root root; root = uvm_root::get(); root.finish_on_completion = 0; run_test(); end Collaborator LarsAsplund commented May 28, 2018 Good. I think it looks clean, it sticks with the public APIs of UVM and ...
finish_on_completion bit finish_on_completion = 1 If set, then run_test will call $finish after all phases are executed. top_levels uvm_component top_levels[$] This variable is a list of all of the top level components in UVM. It includes the uvm_test_top component that is created by...
Sequences will be used to provide aninterrupt service routine. Interrupt service routines sleep until needed. This is a unique kind of sequence. In this example implementation, it creates an interrupt service transaction and does start_item and finish_item. In this way, it can send that ISR ...
GenPulse_dpi ### Invoking make to build the DPI Shared Library ### Successful completion of build procedure for model: GenPulse Build Summary Top model targets: Model Build Reason Status Build Duration === GenPulse Information cache folder or artifacts were missing. Code generated and compiled....
[TEST_DONE] 1 # ** Note: $finish : D:/3rdparty/R2023a/8709182/share/Questasim/Win/win64/../verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_root.svh(430) # Time: 650 us Iteration: 61 Instance: /mw_PulseDetector_top # End time: 15:01:52 on Jul 17,2024, Elapsed time: 0:00:24 # Errors...