[BDTYP] Cannot create a component of type ‘noc_main_spi_debug_test‘ because it is not registered wi 相当于我们的***.test.sv文件没有被包含到uvm环境中去。 导致浪费了一天的时间在编译和代码排查上。 教训:遇到问题一定不要急忙调试,要首先排查上下游或者上下文的关系,这样才能快速有效解决问题。.....
这允许使用默认值在工厂内构建一个工厂注册类,然后可以将类属性重新赋值给通过uvm_component_registry wrapper类的create方法传递的参数。组件和对象的默认值是不同的: // For a component: class my_component extends uvm_component; function new(string name = "my_component", uvm_component parent = null); ...
debug 编译pkg时找不到agent这个component; # UVM_WARNING @ 0: reporter [BDTYP] Cannot create a component of type ‘xxx_agent’ because it is not registered with the factory. ** at xxx_env.sv(6): Invalid type ‘xxx_agent’. Please check the type of the variable ‘agt_h’. 最后发现,...
function spi_test_base::new(string name = "spi_test_base", uvm_component parent = null); super.new(name, parent); endfunction // Build the env, create the env configuration // including any sub configurations function void spi_test_base::build_phase(uvm_phase phase); ...
set_type_override_by_type(my_driver::get_type(), new_driver::get_type());分析当drv = my_driver::type_id::create(“drv”, this);会发生什么事情; 这个create是属于 class uvm_component_registry #(my_driver, “my_driver”) 在这里调用obj = f.create_component_by_type(get(),contxt,name...
const static string type_name = "uvm_pool"; typedef uvm_pool #(KEY,T) this_type; static protected this_type m_global_pool; protected T pool[KEY]; // Function: new // Creates a new pool with the given ~name~. function new (string name=""); ...
uvm_component和uvm_object构造函数是带有原型模板的虚方法,用户必须遵守。为了在构建阶段支持延迟构造,工厂构造函数应该包含构造函数参数的默认值。这允许使用默认值在工厂内构建一个工厂注册类,然后可以将类属性重新赋值给通过uvm_component_registry wrapper类的create方法传递的参数。组件和对象的默认值是不同的: ...
const static string type_name = "uvm_pool"; typedef uvm_pool #(KEY,T) this_type; static protected this_type m_global_pool; protected T pool[KEY]; // Function: new // Creates a new pool with the given ~name~. function new (string name=""); ...
txn=wb_txn::type_id::create("txn");// create a new wb_txntxn.adr=wb_bus_if.s_addr;// get addresstxn.count=1;// set count to one read or writeif(wb_bus_if.s_we)begin// is it a write?txn.data[0]=wb_bus_if.s_wdata;// get datatxn.txn_type=WRITE;// set op type...