uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=5000, log_level="info") 其中应用程序的scope代表有关传入连接信息的字典,receive是一个从服务器接收传入信息的通道,send是一个将消息发送到服务器的通道, 不过这不是本文的重点, 更多scope信息可以访问ASGI interface了解, 接下来将从例子的uvicorn.run开始, 通过源码...
assert not self.shutdown_event.is_set(), STATE_TRANSITION_ERROR self.startup_event.set() elif message["type"] == "lifespan.startup.failed": assert not self.startup_event.is_set(), STATE_TRANSITION_ERROR assert not self.shutdown_event.is_set(), STATE_TRANSITION_ERROR self.startup_even...
If you are running your container in a restrictive environment that forces you to use some specific port (like8080) you can set it with this variable. By default: 80 You can set it like: docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e PORT="8080"myimage BIND The actual host and port passed to Gunico...
You can set it like: docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e PORT="8080"myimage BIND The actual host and port passed to Gunicorn. By default, set based on the variablesHOSTandPORT. So, if you didn't change anything, it will be set by default to: You can set it like: docker...
Options:--host TEXT Bind socket to this host. [default:]--port INTEGER Bind socket to this port. [default: 8000]--uds TEXT Bind to a UNIX domain socket.--fd INTEGER Bind to socket from this file descriptor.--reload Enable auto-reload.--reload-dir TEXT Set reload directories ...
and enables auto- reloading.--log-levelLOG_LEVELSet the log level. Options: 'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug'. Default: 'info'.--no-access-logDisable access log only, without changing log level.--loopLOOPSet the event loop implementation. The uvloop implementation provides...
uvicorn.run("example:app",host="",port=5000,log_level="info") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 使用命令行时,你可以使用 uvicorn --help 来获取帮助。 Usage:uvicorn[OPTIONS]APP Options: --hostTEXTBindsockettothishost. [default: ...
Usage:uvicorn[OPTIONS]APPOptions:--hostTEXTBind socket tothishost.[default:]--portINTEGERBind socket tothisport.[default:8000]--udsTEXTBind to aUNIXdomain socket.--fdINTEGERBind to socket fromthisfile descriptor.--reload Enable auto-reload.--reload-dirTEXTSet reload directories explicitly...
uvicorn.run(app='main:app',host="",port=8000,reload=True,debug=True) 这样之后就可以启动热更新重启服务了! 使用命令行时,你可以使用 uvicorn --help 来获取帮助。 Usage:uvicorn[OPTIONS]APPOptions:--hostTEXTBindsocket to this host.[default:]--portINTEGERBindsocket to this port...