最近在开发一个fastapi项目中使用到loguru进行日志打印,但是uvicorn两种启动方式下,效果不太一样。通过uvicorn main:app的方式可以将HTTP请求("GET /debug/ HTTP/1.1")打印出来: 2022-37-33 14:37:25.277 | MainThread | INFO | server:serve:84 - Started server process [13240] 2022-37-33 14:37:25.279 ...
要想弄清楚 lifespan 的工作原理,需要配合一个完善的 Application 框架一起,在这里,我选择了 starlette[8]。可能很多人对于 starlette 还比较陌生,熟悉 FastApi 的人就会知道,FastApi 是在 starlette 的基础上构建的。 我们知道,lifespan 的一大功能就是与 Application 通信,如上图中的 1,同时会将 receive 函数和...
在笔者封装的简易http-web-app框架start-fastapi中,就支持了通过uvicorn启动FastAPI应用。其中,main.py的uvicorn实例会加载app模块下的APP这一FastAPI实例,启动web-app应用。 defmain()->None:uvicorn.run('app:APP',**cfg)APP=FastAPI(**FASTAPI_CFG) 首先从uvicorn.run开始看起,其代码实现如下: defrun(app:typ...
FROMpython:3.9WORKDIR/codeCOPY./requirements.txt /code/requirements.txtRUNpip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /code/requirements.txtCOPY./app /code/appCMD["uvicorn","app.main:app","--host","","--port","80"] You can read more about this in theFastAPI documentation about: ...
if __name__ == "__main__": uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) Also, as per FastAPI documentation, when running the server from a terminal in the following way (theNote the default port is 8000. HaveYou could use the --port flag, in order to change the port—have ...
The fact that it uses Uvicorn is what allows using ASGI frameworks like FastAPI, and that is also what provides the maximum performance. You probably shouldn't change it. But if for some reason you need to use the alternative Uvicorn worker:uvicorn.workers.UvicornH11Workeryou can set it with...
python3 -m uvicorn app.main:app --reload --workers 1 --host --port 8000 from fastapi import FastAPI import os app = FastAPI() @app.get("/chaos/kill") async def kill_uvicorn(): parent_pid = os.getppid() os.kill(parent_pid, 9) 3 👍 3 🎉 1 ️ 1 7 replies...