安装了uvicorn后,py目录下面的Scripts目录下面有一个uvicorn.exe ,命令可以改成:uvicorn.exe app:app --reload --host --port 8000 ,这里直接执行uvicorn命令是没问题的。 如果要在 main.py 里面通过 uvicron.run() 启动 app,在 main.py 里面加上这两句 # 获取当前脚本所在的目录 current_dir =...
dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev args: DEV: "true" ports: - "8080:8080" env_file: - .env environment: - WATCHFILES_FORCE_POLLING=true - DEV=1 - MYSQL_HOSTNAME=mysqldb - MYSQL_PORT=3306 command: uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8080 --reload --reload-dir /src/app volumes:...
FROM python:3.9.9 WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY requirements.txt ./ RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt COPY . . CMD ["uvicorn", "app.main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000"] 然后运行以下命令: docker build -t fastapi . 命令执行成功。之后我创建了以下...
FROMpython:3.9WORKDIR/codeCOPY./requirements.txt /code/requirements.txtRUNpip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /code/requirements.txtCOPY./app /code/appCMD["uvicorn","app.main:app","--host","","--port","80","--workers","4"] That's all you need. You don't need this...
Problem is solved, looks like fastapi for some reasons does not see endpoints if it's been started from "module-typed" dir hi,could you please explain the solution details..I am trying to solve the error...same 404(details not found error shows) ...
前几天给大家分别分享了(入门篇)简析Python web框架FastAPI——一个比Flask和Tornada更高性能的API ...
安装了uvicorn后,py目录下面的Scripts目录下面有一个uvicorn.exe ,命令可以改成:uvicorn.exe app:app --reload --host --port 8000 ,这里直接执行uvicorn命令是没问题的。 如果要在 main.py 里面通过 uvicron.run() 启动 app,在 main.py 里面加上这两句 # 获取当前脚本所在的目录 current_dir =...