UVCGAN是一种结合了UNet、Vision Transformer和Cycle-Consistent GAN的模型,旨在通过先进的生成对抗网络技术实现更好的图像到图像的翻译效果,实现两个未配对图像域之间的一对一映射。虽然现有的工作主要推动一对一映射以提高转换图像的多样性,但本文受到科学模拟和一对一需求的启发,重新审视了经典的CycleGAN框架,并通过...
such as a hybrid U-Net-ViT (vision transformer) generator architecture, self-supervised generator pre-training, and better training strategies. This section describes several improvements that exceed UVCGAN, including the generator, discriminator and the training procedure ...
在基站收发器(BTS)生态系统中引入 GaN 可大幅提高前端效率,使其成为适用于高功率和低功耗应用的 新技术,GaN-on-Si 有望挑战基站收发器(BTS)和射频功率市场中现有的 LDMOS 方案。为了满足多样化的 5G 要求,GaN 制造商需要提供涵盖多种频率和功率水平的选择。在要求高频高功率输出的卫星通信中,预计 GaN 将...
全球市场由 Infineon、EPC、 GaN Systems、Transphorm和Navitas等公司主导,产品主要由TSMC, Episil、X-FAB 代工。国内新兴代工厂中,三安光电和海特高新具有 量产 GaN 功率器件的能力。 疫情中短期内刺激光电市场,基于 GaN 的深紫外 UVC 需求高涨 GaN 因其材料的高频特性是制备紫外光器件的良好材料,GaN 基紫 外...
To promote reproducibility and open science, the source code, hyperparameter configurations, and pre-trained model are available at https://github.com/LS4GAN/uvcgan. PDF Abstract Code Edit ls4gan/uvcgan official 126 ls4gan/benchmarking official 11 Tasks Edit Diversity Image-to-Image ...
uvcgan introduces an improved method to perform an unpaired image-to-image style transfer based on a CycleGAN framework. Combined with a new hybrid generator architecture UNet-ViT (UNet-Vision Transformer) and a self-supervised pre-training, it achieves state-of-the-art results on a multitude ...
GaN紫外传感器GS-UVB-3535LQC 高透石英窗口,高灵敏度,低暗电流,响应波长230-325 nm 面议 查看详情 SiC紫外传感器SS-ABC-3535LQC高透石英窗口,高灵敏度,低暗电流,响应波长230-360 nm,抗可见光干扰能力强、功耗低、可靠性高 面议 查看详情 SiC紫外传感器SSL-ABC-3535LQC,超高灵敏度,低暗电流,SMD 3535封装,响应...
This package provides reference implementation of theUVCGAN v2: An Improved Cycle-Consistent GAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translationpaper. uvcgan2builds upon the CycleGAN method for unpaired image-to-image transfer and improves its performance by modifying the generator, discriminator, and the trai...
GANImage dehazingAttention mechanismTransformerTo solve the problems of feature loss and color difference after image dehazing and poor dehazing effect in real hazy images, a method UVCGAN-Dehaze is proposed for unpaired image dehazing. In the proposed model, the generator learns the relationship ...
近日,由厦门大学龙浩副教授的科研团队在p-GaN/n-Ga₂O₃外延层上制备了具有指状n-Ga₂O₃层和叉指电极的PN-PDs,证明了此结构可显著增强器件性能,并深入分析了此结构的内在增强机制。将叉指结构应用于p-GaN/n-Ga₂O₃异质结UVCPDs,获得了 2.76 μs (快速分量)和 31 μs(1/e 衰减)的超快瞬...