GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
dependencies{implementation'com.github.Liuguihong:AndroidUVCCamera:1.0.0'} 2.创建UVCCameraProxy对象 UVCCameraProxymUVCCamera=newUVCCameraProxy(this); 3.添加配置(可选) mUVCCamera.getConfig().isDebug(true)// 是否调试.setPicturePath(PicturePath.APPCACHE)// 图片保存路径,保存在app缓存还是sd卡.setDi...
dependencies{implementation'com.github.Liuguihong:AndroidUVCCamera:1.0.0'} 2.创建UVCCameraProxy对象 3.添加配置(可选) mUVCCamera.getConfig().isDebug(true)// 是否调试.setPicturePath(PicturePath.APPCACHE)// 图片保存路径,保存在app缓存还是sd卡.setDirName("uvccamera")// 图片保存目录名称.setProduct...
1. Common API for Android Camera. Has been encapsulated Camera1 Camera2, UvcCamera. 2. Encapsulate preview View, based on CameraApi. TextureView preview, GLSurfaceView preview, binocular preview can be implemented, and the preview interface can flexibly configure parameters such as image, Scale, ...
library and sample to access to UVC web camera on non-rooted Android device - UVCCamera/libuvccamera/src/main/java/com/serenegiant/usb/ at master · saki4510t/UVCCamera
clone this repository with git clone change directory into {UVCCamera}/libuvccamera/build/src/main/jni directory. run ndk-build resulted shared libraries are available under {UVCCamera}/libuvccamera/build/src/main/libs directory and copy them into your...
Qt 中实现摄像头的预览/拍图/录像等操作,因为 QCamera 的接口不完善且 BUG 多,故自己根据平台或第三方库进行实现。 - gongjianbo/QtUVCCamera
Repository files navigation README UVCCameraDemo Android 串口摄像头(USB 摄像头)基本使用,可预览,拍照,录像 预览,点击开关按钮可选择 USB 设备,之后可预览 拍照,长按预览界面可拍照 录像,点击摄像头按钮即可录像 参考:
a simple example using opencv in UVCcamera. Contribute to o0olele/UVCcamera-Opencv development by creating an account on GitHub.
The most important is that you should override getRootView()/getCameraViewContainer()/ getCameraView() at least which means fragment's root view 、texture or surface view and it's container。Of course, the same as CameraActivity and now you can see the uvc camera preview。