jQuery The write less, do more, JavaScript library. Modernizr Modernizr tells you what HTML, CSS and JavaScript features the user’s browser has to offer. - - Bliss.js Want to use Vanilla JS but find native APIs a bit unwieldy? Bliss is for you. Umbrella JS ☔ Lightweight javascript ...
Linux Privilege Escalation via Dynamically Linked Shared Object Library How RPATH and Weak File Permissions can lead to a system compromise. Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet good resources that could be compiled into a script OSCP - Windows Priviledge Escalation Common Windows Pri...
我们分两步确定两条线段是否相交: (1)快速排斥试验 设以线段 P1P2 为对角线的矩形为R, 设以线段 Q1Q2 为对角线的矩形为T,如果R和T不相交,显然两线段不会相交。 (2)跨立试验 如果两线段相交,则两线段必然相互跨立对方。若P1P2跨立Q1Q2 ,则矢量 ( P1 - Q1 ) 和( P2 - Q1 )位于矢量( Q2 - Q1...