: The one major organizational change is we are going to institute a process of standard work that will allow our organization to repeat our successes and learn from our mistakes. Historically each leader ran a project or initiative based upon what worked in the past and that led to ...
MSC这个项目从官网上大家都能了解的到,目前是三个track:Finance, Marketing management and Business Analytics. 项目只招收没有工作经验的本科非商科学生。我们项目以Eco major最是人多势众啦!当然也有读语言的,工科的同学。项目共分成两个学期,Fall semester(林被刚刚结束Final!再也不想写take home exam了!再也不...
MSC这个项目从官网上大家都能了解的到,目前是三个track:Finance, Marketing management and Business Analytics. 项目只招收没有工作经验的本科非商科学生。我们项目以Eco major最是人多势众啦!当然也有读语言的,工科的同学。项目共分成两个学期,Fall semester(林被刚刚结束Final!再也不想写take home exam了!再也不...