弗吉尼亚大学的计算机科学专业Computer Science项目旨在培养既具备研究素养又具备实践技能的计算机科学领域专业...
学校的科研氛围很浓厚,有一门Computer Science Perspective的课,是由CS系的每个教授来给我们做presentation介绍他们的研究;还可以选independent study这一类的课程,和导师沟通,跟着他做一个学期的项目。教授也乐意接受研究生甚至本科生来做项目,但是想要跟一些很厉害的老师负责的新领域一起作研究还是比较难的,因为想做的...
【院校介绍】弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia),简称UVa,“公立常春藤”和“新常春藤”成员之一, U.S. News第25名。 【专业介绍】The University of Virginia's Computer Science graduate program aims to produce well-educated researchers, teachers, and future leaders in Computer Science. Graduate degrees a...
该校在全美公立大学中排名第二,2019 U.S. News美国大学排名中,排名全美第25名。 【专业介绍】The University of Virginia's Computer Science graduate program aims to produce well-educated researchers, teachers, and future leaders in Computer Science. Graduate degrees are a certification by the faculty th...
教授目前还没有怎么联系,不过有一节叫做Computer Science Perspective的课,CS系每个教授都会给presentation介绍他们做的Research. 研究生也是可以和教授去自我介绍,说感兴趣相关方面的研究,能都参与blah blah而且中国教授也挺多的,感觉拉近关系也挺方便的。 因为课程大部分都是中国/印度人,所有一般和印度同学也有些交集。
Business Administration & International Relations (BAIR)4. BS Real Estate Finance and Development (REFD)马歇尔商学院和公共政策学院联合推出;5. BS Artificial Intelligence for Business (BUAI)由马歇尔商学院和维特比工程学院联合开设,为期四年;5. Computer Science & Business Administration Degree Program (...
3 计算机科学-大数据(Computer Science -Big Data Engineering)[此为与阿姆斯特丹自由大学vU Amsterdam合办] 4 数据分析-计量经济学硕士(Data Analytics-MSc Econometrics) 5 商业数据科学Business Data Science 6 数据科学和商业分析(Data Science and Business Analytics) ...
The (Three peg) Tower of Hanoi problem is a popular one in computer science. Briefly the problem is to transfer all the disks from peg-A to peg-C using peg-B as intermediate one in such a way that at no stage a larger disk is above a smaller disk. Normally, we want the minimum ...
The full-time, in-person doctoral program aims to equip students for the interdisciplinary nature of data science. Students will have exposure to tools from disciplines like statistics, mathematics, information science, or computer science, and they will focus on developing methods from data that can...
We chose the University of Virginia to host our summer computer camps because of its convenient Charlottesville location and beautiful college campus. Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport is only about 20 minutes from UVA, while Richmond International Airport is an hour and a half drive away. Dulles Inte...