SinceDean Scott Beardsleyleft a global leadership position with McKinsey & Company to take the helm of the University of Virginia (UVA) Darden School of Business in 2015, he has invigorated the entire institution, raising hundreds of millions of dollars for scholarships and new endowed professorial ...
佛罗里达大学沃灵顿商学院University of FloridaWarrington College of Business佛罗里达大学沃灵顿商学院成立于1926年,1929年获得AACSB认证。沃灵顿商学院在美国公立本科商学院中排名第13位,它有四个专业名列前10:#5会计、#5房地产、#8市场、#8金融。沃灵顿商学院下设3个二级学院:1. Hough Graduate School of Busine...
1)文理学院(College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences) 2)柯里教育及人类发展学院(Curry School of Education and Human Development) 3)达顿商学院 (Darden School of Business) 4)麦金塔尔商业学院 (McIntire School of Commerce) 5)建筑学院 (School of Architecture) 6)工程与应用科学院(School of ...
l 怀斯学院(University of Viginia’s College at Wise) l 进修教育及个人学习学院 (School of Continuing and Professional Studies) 文理学院 文理学院(College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences)是高等教育中最有价值的学院之一。该学院要求学生广泛的接触研究,提供了50多个本科专业和20多个研究生课程,内容...
College of Arts & Sciences: If you could create a college course that all UVA students would ...
弗吉尼亚大学下设院系主要有文学及理学院College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences、建筑学院School of Architecture、柯里教育学院Curry School of Education、麦金塔尔商学院McIntire School of Commerce、达顿研究生工商管理学院Darden Graduate School of Business Administration、工程与应用科学院School...
根据你所申请的学员不同,课程要求也是不同的,向我所在的College and Graduate School of Arts & ...
但这个事实的implication其实见仁见智,实在介意的话学校也有language house/international residential college...
我当时申请了University of Virginia(Uva)、Notre Dame(ND)、Wake Forest University (WFU)、University of Southern California(USC)、Boston College(BC)这几所学校的会计专业,全部拿到面试,被USC拒了,然后因为Uva的offer来的早,并且是dream school,所以WFU和ND的申请没有继续。 接下来就是干货时间!!!要申请商学...
弗兰克·巴顿领导与公共政策学院Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy 进修教育及个人学习学院 School of Continuing and Professional Studies 怀斯学院 College at Wise 52个专业可以授予学士学位,93个专业可以授予硕士学位,52个专业可以授予博士学位。