int dp[105][15][32]; int t, y, m, d; bool islead(int num) { num += 1900; if (num % 100 == 0) { if (num % 400 == 0) return true; } else { if (num % 4 == 0) return true; } return false; } bool judge(int y, int m, int d) { if (y >= 2001) { if ...
}intget_day(inty,intm){if(y ==2001&& m ==11)return4;if(m ==2&&is_year(y))return29;returnmonth[m]; }booljudge_day(inty,intm,intd){if(y >101)returnfalse;if(y ==101&& m >11)returnfalse;if(y ==101&& m ==11&& d >4)returnfalse;returntrue; }boolgetnext_day(int& yy,...
UVA 1557 - Calendar Game 题目链接 题意:给定一个日期,两个人轮流走,每次能够走一月或者一天,问最后谁能走到2001.11.4这个日子 思路:记忆化搜索,对于每一个日期,假设下两个状态有一个非必胜态,那么这个状态是必胜态,假设后继状态都是必胜态,那么该状态为必败态 代码: #include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>...
}booljudge_day (inty,intm,intd) {if(y >101)returnfalse;if(y ==101&& m >11)returnfalse;if(y ==101&& m ==11&& d >4)returnfalse;returntrue; }boolgetnext_day (int& yy,int& mm,int& dd,inty,intm,intd,inttype) {if(type) { dd = d; mm = m +1;if(mm >12) { yy = ...
Hospitals that receive this award have reached a 75% or greater achievement score as outlined by the AHA for at least one calendar quarter. Plus status is achieved in the same award quarter as the base Bronze award. Get With the Guidelines - Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Bronze Achievement Ho...
Academic Calendar Keep up with important dates by viewing theacademic calendar. Find Your Textbooks Easilyfind the textbooks you needfor every class. Add your courses to view a list of textbooks and materials as specified by your instructor(s). ...
in the lower left corner to open uva virtual information sessions > select an event date on the calendar in the lower right area > select a time slot that appears on the left side > complete the registration form > click "...
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