10063 Knuth's Permutation 递归问题 简单题 10064 Travelling in another Dimension 10065 Useless Tile Packers 凸包问题 求凸包 算面积 10066 The Twin Towers 动态规划 公共子序列 10067 Playing with Wheels 搜索题目 直接搜 10068 The Treasure Hunt 10069 Distinct Subsequences 动态规划 经典问题 10070 Leap Ye...
465 10057 A mid-summer night's dream. 675 39 466 10063 Knuth's Permutation 672 39 467 11059 Maximum Product 672 39 468 10069 Distinct Subsequences 670 40 469 213 Message Decoding 669 40 470 481 What Goes Up 666 40 471 785 Grid Colouring 665 40 472 10344 23 out of 5 664 40 473 103...
10063 - Knuth's Permutation.c │ ├── 10065 - Useless Tile Packers.cpp │ ├── 10067 - Playing with Wheels.cpp │ ├── 10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ...c │ ├── 10071 - Back to High School Physics.cpp │ ├── 10074 - Take the Land.cpp │ ├── 10075...
10063 - Knuth's Permutation.c │ ├── 10065 - Useless Tile Packers.cpp │ ├── 10067 - Playing with Wheels.cpp │ ├── 10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ...c │ ├── 10071 - Back to High School Physics.cpp │ ├── 10074 - Take the Land.cpp │ ├── 10075...
CFLP-20/0.8 20 0.8 ≤0.50 10063 Φ2316X8297 Vacuum Powder CFLP-30/0.8 30 0.8 ≤0.44 14100 Φ2616X11463 Vacuum Powder CFLP-50/0.8 10 0.8 ≤0.35 18890 Φ2616X13318 Vacuum Powder CFLP-60/1.2 60 1.2 ≤0.32 23246 Φ3020X15550 Vacuum Powder CFLP-100/0.8...
10063 11408 前10名 前20名 前30名 前40名 前50名 22 54 114 169 200 百度 360 神马 搜狗 谷歌 收录 28404975 7200000 - - - 反链 - 13500000 - - - 最近访问 brvision.cnwww.hbzkw.comszwzxy.comwww.qddjkcjt.comwww.cdjiupinhui.comwww.shyewen.comwww.kankanwu.comm.topwayexpo.comwww.souwaic...
3.2 PC/UVa 题号: 110302/10010 Where’s Waldorf?(寻找单词) 3.3 PC/UVa 题号: 110303/10252 Common Permutation (公共排列) 3.4 PC/UVa 题号: 110304/850 Crypt Kicker II (解密 II) 3.5 PC/UVa 题号: 110305/10188 Automated Judge Script (自动评测脚本) ...
10063 - Knuth's Permutation.c │ ├── 10065 - Useless Tile Packers.cpp │ ├── 10067 - Playing with Wheels.cpp │ ├── 10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ...c │ ├── 10071 - Back to High School Physics.cpp │ ├── 10074 - Take the Land.cpp │ ├── 10075...
10063 10066 10067 10069 10070 10071 10074 10077 10078 10079 10080 10081 10082 10088 10090 10093 10098 10099 101 10100 10101 10102 10104 10105 10106 10107 10110 10112 10115 10116 10120 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10132 10137...
10063 - Knuth's Permutation.c │ ├── 10065 - Useless Tile Packers.cpp │ ├── 10067 - Playing with Wheels.cpp │ ├── 10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ...c │ ├── 10071 - Back to High School Physics.cpp │ ├── 10074 - Take the Land.cpp │ ├── 10075...