蓝色的是买的二氧化钛测得吸收谱,墨绿色的是烧蚀过后测得吸收谱,是不是我买的样品有问题?为什么紫外区域没有吸收增强?烧蚀过后怎么变成了一个吸收峰? Graph1.jpg回复此楼» 猜你喜欢诚招催化方向有编制副教授 已经有2人回复 氢燃料电池材料全氟磺酸树脂 已经有53人回复 化学工程及工业化学论文润色/翻译怎么...
奇葩的UV-vis 曲线图黑色曲线为纯的二氧化钛,红色曲线为掺杂的二氧化钛,沿着曲线做切线可以得到样品吸收边际,但掺杂后的样品在可见光处吸收能力较强,出现了个包状,请问高手如何来确定吸收边际,可否画两条切线?是否有相关的参考文献?能否从UV-vis图中得出杂质能级,急求!谢谢! Graph1.jpg回复...
1 Save picture:把光谱图输出到当前目录下,和选项0看到的图一样。图像格式可以通过-4 Set format of saved graphical file选项来修改,默认格式也可以通过settings.ini里的graphformat来设。图像的宽和高由settings.ini里的graph1Dsize参数决定。吐血建议使用pdf格式保存图像,这样线条和文字都比用png等位图格式清晰平滑...
Following the Beer-Lambert Law, the plot of absorbance versus concentration should be linear if the absorbance of a series of sample solutions with known concentrations is measured and plotted against equivalent concentrations. This graph is known as a calibration graph. Instrumentation of UV-Vis Spec...
Now you can see below UV-Vis graph You can use abundant options in the interface to gradually adjust plotting parameters and then replot the graph until you are satisfied. Please check Section 3.13 of Multiwfn manual on the detailed introduction of the spectrum plotting module and related theoreti...
I really love that there is a built-in graph for these and that you can email it to yourself or save on a USB stick. This machine is the thing we have all been needing but never knew we missed. Also the customer care is outstanding and I look forward to our rep every time she ...
Graph Horizontal axis of the spectral graph can be set to wavelength, wavenumber or energy. Fine adjustments can be made with one click on the graph scale. Graphs can be easily pasted into other applications as bitmap images. Report Smart Optimize quality control In addition ...
Choose ‘Overlay Data’ to superimpose the collected data of each sample in the Scan run in one graph box. 8. Set up baseline correction (Setup > Baseline) a. Select Baseline Correction to perform a baseline correction on each sample data point. 9. Ensure no accessories are selected (Setup...
ZnS的固体粉末测的UV-VIS吸收光特性曲线 在350nm 左右附近 3个不同的样品 都出现了一个波峰 请教一下是由于什么原因出现的这个波峰,我一直在想是不是由于UV 和VIS 之间转换的时候LAMP交换之后出现的这个波峰,还是我自己本身做的材料有缺陷? 请懂得朋友 帮忙解答一下 谢谢 Graph1.jpg [ Last edited by xhbghz...
在近UV区域吸收反而降低,甚至出现负值,这是为甚啊?请求高人指点啊~~~Graph4.jpg ...