H. Garcia-Rubio, "An interpretation model for the UV-VIS spectra of microorganisms," Chemical Engineering Communications, vol. 192, no. 2, pp. 198-218, 2005.Alupoaei, C. E. and L. H. Garcia-Rubio, "An Interpretation Model for the UV-VIS Spectra of Microorganisms," Chem. Eng. ...
Advanced data processing Use the spectrum calculator to apply mathematical operations, including addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, log and square root functions, to spectra. The calculator also features mean, normalization, smoothing, up to fourth order derivatives, integration and the ...
UV-Vis Spectrometer A solution to the above problems is found through the use of a low cost optical spectrometer. Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. has incorporated a PC100 miniature fiber optic spectrometer from Ocean Optics, Inc. into the CRIMS system. The PC1000 is a low-cost 1024-eleme...
1 UV-vis-2013 Spectroscopy • 波谱学 中药化学教研室 梁侨丽 Office:B1-110 1.1Introduction 1.Spectroscopy Whatisspectroscopy(波谱学)?Spectroscopyisthemeasurementandinterpretationofelectromagneticradiationabsorbed,scattered,oremittedbyatoms,moleculesandetc.p1 •SpectroscopyincludesUV-Visspectrometry(Ultraviolet/...
Several ways of representing the molecular structures were evaluated as input to RF classification models, which were trained to predict the UV–Vis spectrum class. The number of trees in the forest was set to 500, the number of descriptors available for each rule was the square root of the ...
Satellite UV-Vis spectroscopy The OMI is a nadir viewing push-broom spectrometer onboard NASA’s EOS Aura spacecraft in a low-earth polar orbit, measuring the entire solar spectrum from 270 to 540 nm at a moderate resolution of ~0.5 nm12. The OMI generally shows stable performance in...
摘要: Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy deals with the recording of the absorption of radiations in the ultraviolet and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The ultaviolet region extends from 10 to 400 nm. It is subdivided into the near ultraviolet (quartz) region (200–400 nm) an...
Dual beam, Czerny-Turner 0.28 m monochromator, 190–1100 nm wavelength range, approximately 1.5 nm fixed spectral bandwidth, full spectrum Xe pulse lamp single source with exceptionally long life, dual Si diode detectors, quartz overcoated optics, scan rates up to 24 000 nm/min, 80 data points...
Connect Your EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer with EasyDirect UV/VIS Software to Improve Data Management Direct Access to the Power of Spectragryph The optical spectroscopy softwareSpectragryphis one of the most versatile, efficient, and easy-to-use tools available to the plot, combine, process...
AnIntroductiontoInfraredandUV-VisibleSpectroscopy LEARNINGOBJECTIVES Describetheprincipalregionsoftheelectromagneticspectrum. Describetheprinciplesofinfraredspectroscopy. DescribetheprinciplesofUV-Visspectroscopy. Describeandexplaintheprincipalfactorsthatgovernthevibrationalfrequenciesofbonds. Describeandexplaintheprincipalfactors...