紫外紫外--可见光谱可见光谱 (UV-vis spectroscopy) 杜海宁 梁毅 ((武汉大学生命科学学院武汉大学生命科学学院)) 现代生物学仪器分析中的 “四大谱”和 “三大法” 生物分子的结构分析生物分子的结构分析传统上最有效的方传统上最有效的方 法是 “四大谱”: 紫外-可见光谱、红外光谱、核磁共振波 谱...
UV-VisibleSpectroscopy LUMO Electronicexcitation spectroscopy: HOMO LUMO h spectroscopy: Photonabsorption promotesanelectron HOMO promotesanelectron fromitsgroundstate toanexcitedstate. ApplicationsofUV-visabsorptiontoorganicchemists:pppg •Characterizingchromophores(absorbingfunctionalgroups) •Tuningabsorbance...
UV-VIS Absorption spectroscopy (Electronic spectroscopy) a. Transitions between electronic energy levels are induced by EMR in the UV-visible region. 250 nm = 40,000 cm -1 = 1.2 x 10 15 Hz = 480 kJ/mol b. Within each electronic state are a series of vibrational and rotational levels. ...
UV/Vis -9/6/0101NIR Absorption SpectroscopyCHEM714-NJITPharmaceuticalAnalysisUV/Vis –NIR HistoryAbsorptionspectroscopyusinglightinvisibleandadjacentrangesnear-UV/near-IR.Acoredisciplinepracticedinnearlyallanalyticallaboratories.1940’s–Cary
UV-Visible Spectroscopy:紫外-可见光谱 Electronic excitation LUMO h ν spectroscopy:Photon absorption promotes an electron HOMO promotes an electron from its ground state to an excited state.λmax = 217 nm λ(nm)Electronic excitation LUMO h ν spectroscopy:Photon absorption promotes an electron HOMO ...
For cross-conjugated systems, the value for the chromophore absorbing at the longest wavelength has to be calculated.Springer Berlin HeidelbergStructure Determination of Organic Compoundsdoi:10.1007/978-3-540-93810-1_9Ernö PretschPhilippe BühlmannMartin Badertscher...
【关键词】 紫外 -可见光谱;中药质量控制;比色法;检测器;化学计量学【中图分类号】R282 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2018)22-0047-04ApplicationofUV-VisSpectroscopyintheQualityControlofTCMLIWenlong1,21.CollegeofPharmaceuticalEngineeringofTraditionalChineseMedicineTianjinUniversityofTraditionalChinese...
UV-VIS spectroscopy UV-VIS Spectroscopy and its Application, by H.-H. Perkampus (Translators: H. Charlotte Grinter and T.L. Threlfall) Springer, Berlin, 1992, DM 168 (244 pp.), ISBN: 0-387-5542 1 - 1doi:10.1016/0165-9936(93)87010-UChris Burgess...
Gardner Color - UV Vis Spectroscopy Spectroscopic Determination of Sample Color According to the Gardner scale This application note provides experimental detail on how to determine the gardner color of different substances using aUV Vis spectrophotometer. Please proceed to download the PDF below to ...
Intuitive. AGILENT CARY 100/300 SERIES UV-VIS SPECTRoPHoToMETERS AGILENT CARY 100/300 SERIES UV-VIS Agilent Technologies is your premier resource and partner for molecular spectroscopy. With the addition of the world-renowned Cary product line, encompassing FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR and Fluorescence, Agilent...