(2014) Role of Arabidopsis UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 in Plant Growth Reduction under Osmotic Stress and Low Levels of UV-B. Molecular Plant 7: 773-791.Fasano R, Gonzalez N, Tosco A, Dal Piaz F, Docimo T, Serrano R, et al. Role of Arabidopsis UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 in plant growth ...
紫外光UV-B是重要的信号分子,在绿色植物生长、代谢和发育过程中发挥着关键的调控作用,如调控光形态建成(抑制植物伸长、促进子叶张开,促进类黄酮和花青素积累以防晒抗逆等)。在植物征服陆地的过程中,其逐渐进化出了复杂的感知和传导UV-B信号的通路。UVR8(UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8)是目前已知绿色植物中唯一能够感知UV-...
随着2011年植物中UV-B光受体UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8(UVR8)蛋白的鉴定及其结构的解析,对于UV-B的信号转导途径及其下游调控网络也越来越清晰【1,2】。适当强度的UV-B可作为一种信号分子参与植物的光形态建成,促进植物进行正常的生长发育;而高剂量的UV-B辐射会对植物产生光胁迫损伤,导致植株矮化、叶面积减少、叶片增...
近日,南京师范大学钟伯坚教授团队在Plant Physiology杂志在线发表了题为Origin and adaptive evolution of UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8-mediated signaling during plant terrestrialization的研究论文,系统阐释了绿色植物UV-B信号调控网络的起源和演化历史。该研究明确了植物中不同UV-B信号通路的起源类群,揭示了绿色植物逐步进化...
教授团队在 plant physiology 杂志在线发表了题为" origin and adaptive evolution of uv resistance locus 8-mediated signaling during plant terrestrialization" 的研究论文,系统阐释了绿色 植物 uv-b信号调控网络的起源和演化历史. 该研究明...
· 植物UV-B受体及其介导的光信号转导 刘明雪, 孙梅, 王宇, 李玉花* 东北林业大学生命科学学院, 哈尔滨 150040 摘要 拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)蛋白UVR8(UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8)是UV-B特异的光受体, 介导UV-B诱导的光 形态建成.无UV-B照射时, UVR8以二聚体的形式存在于细胞质和细胞核中.接收到UV-B光...
RoleofArabidopsisUVRESISTANCELOCUS8in PlantGrowthReductionunderOsmoticStress andLowLevelsofUV. .B RossellaFasano,NathalieGonzalez, ,AlessandraTosco,FabrizioDalPiaz,TeresaDocimo, RamonSerranoe,StefaniaGrillo,AntonellaLeonea,andDirkInzd, r’ aDepartmentofPharmacy,UniversityofSalerno,Fisciano.Italy ...
12 July 2016 anthocyanin biosynthesis in radish sprouts Qi Wu1, Nana Su1, Xiaoyan Zhang1,Yuanyuan Liu1, Jin Cui1 &Yongchao Liang2 The cross talk among hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO) and UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8) in UV-B-induced anthocyanin accumulation in...
UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) is an ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation photoreceptor that mediates light responses in plants. How plant UVR8 acts in response to UVB light is not well understood. Here, we report the identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis WRKY DNA-BINDING PROTEIN 36 (...
Low doses of UV-B light (280 to 315 nm) elicit photomorphogenic responses in that modify biochemical composition, photosynthetic competence, , and defense. UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8) mediates photomorphogenic -B by regulating of a set of target genes. UVR8 differs from other known photoreceptor...