iPhone Description UV Index by dnzh delivers LIVE update of UVI based on user's current location (City, State / Zip Code) in the US... Version History 1 Mar 2022 Version 2.2 Updated font size for Zoomed View on iPhone App Privacy ...
This application shows the local UV Index at noon for your current location. The background color changes with the UV Index.App Privacy See Details The developer, Piet Jonas, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the ...
・Current UV Index: Instantly see the current UV index for your area or chosen location, keeping you aware of sun exposure risks. ・Real-Time Updates: Get updates every 10 minutes, so you're always informed of any changes in UV levels. ...
UV Index - App 4+ Piet Jonas 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 This application shows the local UV Index at noon for your current location. The background color changes with the UV Index.App 隐私 查看详情 开发者Piet Jonas尚未向 Apple 提供其隐私惯例和数据处理相关的详细信息。有...
uv index is not available in the current location By xuliangsy 几个意思,当前位置为啥不可用,跟地区有关系还是跟手机设置有关系?伤心! 靠着它抹防晒霜的 By 拽丝 挺好。希望有日照时间长度啊天气预报等建议 时好时坏 By 不知道吃什么 时好时坏 差评 By Tethyskun 下载的第一天有数据,接下来的几天都没...
You can also add the UV Index to your Home Screen using the accompanying widgets, set notifications for when the UV Radiation exceeds certain levels, and automatically add the UV levels to your Apple Health app. The app will instantly show the current UV Index (UVI) at your location in an...
Sunlyte is a mobile application that uses real time weather data at your current location to measure your recommended sun intake! Built With Overview Upon logging in, users are greeted with their current local weather conditions, showing temperature, current conditions, and UV index. Users are ...
UV Weather for Chrome provides an in-browser option for checking the weather. This lightweight extension is designed to help you plan your day and keeping yourself safe in the sun. The app icon is automatically updated to your current UV Index/Temperatur
简介 UV Index by dnzh delivers LIVE update of UVI based on user's current location (City, State / Zip Code) in the US... 新内容 2022年3月1日 版本2.2 Updated font size for Zoomed View on iPhone App 隐私 开发者“Hassan Falou”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关...
could be fixed based on historical data and stored on the electronic device100or on a server in network communication with the device100. Also alternatively, the user can be prompted to manually enter, using the user input interface118, for example, the UV index at the current location. ...