uv-c深紫外线led灯 品牌 飞利浦 莱邵思 美国Spectroline NICHIA 美国KANADON HAYASHI 雁丰 美国Spectronics WKM 贺利氏Heraeus 美国WONDER 容进化学 鑫冠宇 欧司朗 UV 零·安芯 年邦铝业 海诺威Hanovia 日本SEN日森 大指 SEOUL/首尔 维格科技 gigahertzoptik 林上 Phaser 更多...
飞利浦(PHILIPS)杀菌灯管UV-C紫外线消毒灯雷达灭菌灯家用除螨 上海铂耀照明器材有限公司1年 上海市嘉定区 ¥810.00成交13笔 WONDER-LIGHT紫外线灯 A-33201C杀菌灯643201 320W污水紫外汞齐灯 广东华仕威科技实业有限公司3年 东莞市 ¥509.00成交0笔 飞利浦(PHILIPS)紫外线消毒灯杀菌灯家用UV-C除螨消毒车杀菌灯 ...
24V 5W恒流CC 365-370NM UV紫外LED光触媒消毒固化灯Curing Light 深圳市鼎明光电科技有限公司6年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥5.00 厂家空气净化器UV杀菌灯管LEDUVC消毒灯管 紫外线灯管 UV杀菌灯 深圳圣特光源科技有限公司20年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
美国Kanadon水处理UV-C杀菌灯GPH843T5L/40W 紫外线灯管过流式 源头工厂 东莞市华仕威水处理器材有限公司 查看详情 ¥558.00 广东东莞 美国WONDER-LIGHT紫外线UV-C消毒灯 GPH1554T6L杀菌除藻 源头工厂 蓝绿色 除藻 东莞市华仕威水处理器材有限公司 查看详情 ¥360.00 广东东莞 G48T5L/65W高纯净水专用紫外线消...
UV Can Sanitize provides high-quality UV light devices, UV disinfection systems, and innovative UV-C technology in Canada. We are a multidisciplinary team of engineers and health care professionals. Our goal is to help to protect against Covid-19, other
UV-C LED Frequently Asked Questions What are UVC LEDs? UVC LEDs belong to the category of light-emitting diodes that produce ultraviolet light within the UVC wavelength band (200-280 nanometers). The emitted UVC light is recognized for its capacity to inactivate bacteria, viruses, and various ...
Toyoda Gosei has leveraged its expertise in crystallization and design of blue LEDs for lighting, and successfully developedUV-C LEDs thatachieve light output at the level of 200 milliwatts with a single chip when driven by a current of 350 milliamperes. Improvement of the LED structure and comp...
Figure 1a: UV-C LED relative intensity at 275nm wavelength Figure 1b: Illumination LED scattered wavelengths UV-C sterilization LED Light: UV-C sterilization LED light has two important parameters to disinfect a surface: Distances and Timing. Single UV-C LED that is about 2.5W can output 99.9...