uuid_transfer <uuid> [-bleg|-both] <dest-exten> [<dialplan>] [<context>] 可选参数: -both uuid_transfer <uuid> -both 'set:hangup_after_bridge=false,bridge:user/8005' inline uuid_transfer <uuid> -both user/8005 uuid_transfer <uuid> -both 8005 这个可选参数是将<uuid>的通话双方都转到...
--- 正常情况下uuid_transfer xxxxx -both是可以转移成功,但有种情况是例外,就是如果freeswitch采用媒体绕过的话,就是这个被设置的话,就会导致转移出现异常,应该两条腿一起转的变成只能转一条腿。 解决方法: 取消媒体绕过。 将conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml里面的inbound-bypass-media属性改成false,如下: ...
在FreeSWITCH中,UUID是一个唯一标识符,用于识别不同会话或呼叫。在通信中,有时需要在不同的通道之间传递UUID,这就是所谓的“uuid_transfer”。 实现“freeswitch uuid_transfer”可以通过以下步骤完成: | 步骤 | 操作 | | --- | --- | | 1 | 获取原始呼叫的UUID | | 2 | 将UUID传递到目标通道 | | ...
该篇文章主要介绍FreeSWITCH的API命令uuid_dual_transfer的用法。命令介绍该命令用于同时将两条腿进行转移,并且是可以转移到不同的方向。 -USAGE: <A-dest-exten>[/<A-dialplan>][/<A-context>] <B-dest-exten>[/<B-dialplan>][/<B-context>] 如: uuid_dual_transfer xxxx dial1/XML/default dial2...
1. api jsrun fils.js <arg1> <arg2> <arg3> 2. capture the uuid 3. api uuid_transfer <uuid> -both <ext no / conference no> Both the leg gets hangedup. Someone can assist me where I am wrong. -- Thank you with regards, ...
2013-06-16 22:45 −该篇文章主要介绍FreeSWITCH的API命令uuid_dual_transfer的用法。... <默言> 0 3247 运行FreeSWITCH 2012-11-20 21:47 −我建了一个 Freeswitch 内核研究 交流群, 45211986, 欢迎加入, 另外,提供基于SIP的通信服务器及客户端解决方案。 读到本章,你应该对 FreeSWITCH 有了一个比较...
AnxSky 1 1488 jeecg/mysql 生成uuid及细节备份 2019-12-23 09:22 −java 里面生成uuid String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-",""); mysql 生成uuid select replace(uuid(),"-","") as uuid;//新加id字段md5函数... ...
This one happens to every new guy trying to make FS into a dialer app using JS. for every sessionX you create in js with the new Session constructor sessionX.setAutoHangup(0); This allows the channels to remain alive outside the script once they are ...
When removing a user from a paid team, the administrator(s) are prompted to transfer ownership of any shared collections to another user. When the transfer is made, the UUID of the collection(s) transferred changes to reflect the new owner. If a team is leveraging Newman – and these spec...
var kBluetoothSDPUUID16ServiceClassCommonISDNAccess: SDPServiceClasses V var kBluetoothSDPUUID16ServiceClassCordlessTelephony: SDPServiceClasses V var kBluetoothSDPUUID16ServiceClassDialupNetworking: SDPServiceClasses V var kBluetoothSDPUUID16ServiceClassDirectPrinting: SDPServiceClasses V var kBluetooth...