KAJIAN TERHADAP UU NO. 28 TAHUN 2007 TENTANG KETENTUAN UMUM DAN TATA CARA PERPAJAKANTo eliminate obligation of secrecy is one of breakthrough done by Dirjen Pajak to get data is including taxpayer data. Actually confidentiality obligation can be eliminated, but investigation should be done if ...
Keuntungan yang diperoleh para pemilik obligasi adalah mereka mendapatkan bunga tetap tanpa menghiraukan untung atau ruginya perseroan terbatas tersebut.di indonesia mengenai perseroan terbatas di atur dalam Undang Undang Perseroan Terbatas No. 40 Tahun 2007 silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis ...
25 of 2007 on Investment makes foreign investors anddomestic investors reluctant to invest in Indonesia. With the enactment of Act No. 25 of2007 on Investment, known to the Indonesian government to protect national interests,the interests of investors in the country to develop a national industry....